Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 60 83.3

line true false branch
37 0 267 if (not defined $position) { }
0 267 elsif (not &is_Int($position)) { }
48 15 252 if ($position > $self->_get_unique_count - 1)
56 142 110 if ($self->should_cache_positions and $self->_last_cache_position >= $position)
64 0 110 if (not $success and $self->_has_last_position and $position == $self->_get_last_position)
75 4 106 if (not $success and $self->has_position and $self->where_am_i > $position)
86 30 80 unless ($success or $self->has_position)
94 0 30 if ((keys %$current_node)[0] eq 'ai') { }
103 30 0 if ($result) { }
128 0 365 if (not $inital_parse) { }
3 362 elsif ($inital_parse and $inital_parse eq 'EOF') { }
146 362 0 if (&is_HashRef($inital_parse)) { }
149 347 15 if (exists $inital_parse->{'t'}) { }
15 0 elsif (exists $inital_parse->{'list'}) { }
158 30 15 if exists $element->{'rPr'}
172 277 85 if ($self->should_cache_positions)
177 7 6 scalar keys %$provisional_output == 1 || $self->_should_block_formats ? :
262 13 !&is_HashRef($provisional_output) ? :
2 275 !$provisional_output ? :
185 107 255 if ($self->where_am_i == $position)
188 27 80 unless ($self->should_cache_positions)
206 8 126 &is_HashRef($return) ? :
105 134 $self->_should_block_formats ? :
7 239 $self->_should_block_formats && &is_HashRef($return) ? :
3 246 $return && $return eq 'EOF' ? :
3 249 !defined($return) ? :
212 20 204 if ($self->should_cache_positions and $self->has_file and $self->where_am_i > $self->_get_unique_count - 1)
230 28 0 if ((keys %$current_node)[0] eq 'sst') { }
240 28 0 if ($result and $node_name eq 'sst') { }
308 224 274 $self->get_group_return_type =~ /(unformatted|value|xml_value)/ ? :