Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 104 118 88.1

line true false branch
77 7 73 unless $result
83 55 164 if (defined $row_node->{'Row'}{$format_translations->{$_}})
110 0 64 unless (ref $full_row_ref)
117 20 44 if (exists $full_row_ref->{'Cell'})
125 45 147 if (defined $full_row_ref->{'attributes'}{$format_translations->{$_}})
150 166 950 if (defined $$cell{$format_translations->{$_}})
155 176 10 if (exists $cell->{'Data'}) { }
157 342 10 if (defined $cell->{'Data'}{$format_translations->{$_}})
166 41 145 if (defined $cell->{'cell_col'}) { }
177 3 65 if (exists $cell->{'cell_type'} and $cell->{'cell_type'} eq 'Number' and !$cell->{'cell_xml_value'} || $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} eq '')
189 5 32 if ($self->are_spaces_empty and $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} and $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} =~ /^\s+$/)
194 40 146 if ($self->get_empty_return_type eq 'empty_string') { }
15 131 elsif (not defined $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} or $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} and length $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} == 0) { }
195 6 34 unless exists $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} and defined $cell->{'cell_xml_value'}
204 25 161 if ($cell->{'cell_type'} eq 'DateTime')
215 8 178 if (exists $cell->{'mergeAcross'} or exists $cell->{'mergeDown'})
217 8 0 if exists $cell->{'mergeAcross'}
219 0 8 if exists $cell->{'mergeDown'}
254 1 63 $new_ref->{'row_span'}[1] < $last_value_column ? :
267 16 32 if ($row_merge_range and $row_merge_range->[$col])
272 2 14 if ($self->spreading_merged_values and not defined $column_to_cell_translations->[$col] && exists $$alt_ref[$column_to_cell_translations->[$col]]{'cell_merge'})
281 1 1 if (exists $new_cell->{'cell_formula'} and $new_cell->{'cell_formula'} =~ /R\[?(-?\d*)\]?C\[?(-?\d*)\]?(.*)/)
288 1 2 if ($section =~ /\[?(-?\d*)\]?C\[?(-?\d*)\]?(.*)/g) { }
313 188 179 if ($new_cell or defined $column_to_cell_translations->[$col] and $$alt_ref[$column_to_cell_translations->[$col]])
320 28 107 $full_row_ref->{'attributes'}{'hidden'} ? :
26 135 $self->get_custom_column_data($col) && exists $self->get_custom_column_data($col)->{'hidden'} && $self->get_custom_column_data($col)->{'hidden'} ? :
27 161 $self->is_sheet_hidden ? :
321 107 81 unless $new_cell->{'cell_hidden'}
329 186 181 if (defined $column_to_cell_translations->[$col] and $$alt_ref[$column_to_cell_translations->[$col]])
332 1078 0 if not exists $new_cell->{$_}
341 15 5 if ($self->should_skip_hidden and $new_cell and exists $new_cell->{'cell_hidden'})
351 1 50 if ($self->get_values_only and $new_cell and not exists $new_cell->{'cell_xml_value'})
358 172 0 if ($new_cell and exists $new_cell->{'cell_type'})
365 172 179 if ($new_cell and keys %$new_cell > 0)
381 57 7 if ($cell_stack) { }
385 1 56 if (not $self->has_max_col or $last_value_column > $self->_max_col)
391 1 56 if ($new_ref->{'row_span'}[1] < $last_value_column)
397 4 53 if (not $self->has_max_row or $new_ref->{'row_number'} > $self->_max_row)
403 0 57 if (not $self->has_max_col or $new_ref->{'row_span'}[1] > $self->_max_col)
435 0 10 if ($current_named_node->{'name'} eq 'Table') { }
446 10 0 if ($result) { }
455 9 1 if defined $end_column
456 9 1 if defined $end_row
477 52 92 if (defined $$column_settings{$format_translations->{$_}})
482 0 36 unless $col_ref->{'bestFit'}
483 31 5 if exists $col_ref->{'width'}
487 5 31 exists $column_settings->{'ss:Span'} ? :
496 0 36 unless $result
617 10 0 if ($good_load) { }
627 9 1 $self->get_epoch_year eq 1904 ? :
753 4 18 exists $element_ref->{'ss:Type'} ? :
762 12 10 if (exists $element_ref->{'Font'})
765 16 8 if exists $element_ref->{'Font'}{$setting}
769 12 0 if (exists $rich_ref->{'rgb'})
770 8 4 if ($rich_ref->{'rgb'} ne '#000000')
776 8 4 if (keys %$rich_ref)
777 8 0 if (@$wrapper_ref)
802 18 4 if (scalar keys %$element_ref == 0) { }
4 0 elsif (scalar keys %$element_ref == 1) { }