Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 30 73.3

line true false branch
30 1 1 if (wantarray) { }
48 0 1 unless $book and ref $book eq 'ARRAY' || ref $book eq 'Spreadsheet::Read::Ingester' and $book->[0]{'sheets'}
53 0 1 unless ($c1->{'parsers'})
60 1 0 if $p->{'type'} eq $c2->{'type'} and $p->{'parser'} eq $c2->{'parser'}
61 0 1 unless (defined $pidx)
96 2 2 if ($suffix)
108 2 2 unless ($data)
111 0 2 if $data->[0]{'error'}
122 1 2 if (not defined $age) { }
1 1 elsif ($age eq '0') { }
1 0 elsif (not $age =~ /^\d+$/) { }
133 0 2 unless opendir DIR, $configdir
138 6 6 if -d $file
139 3 3 if (-M $file >= $age)
140 0 3 unless unlink $file