Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 156 224 69.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
212 1 3 15693 defined $c and $c > 0
228 1 1 15493 defined $c and defined $r
2 3 15490 defined $c and defined $r and $c > 0
4 1 15489 defined $c and defined $r and $c > 0 and $r > 0
247 0 2 7 ref $sheet eq 'HASH' and exists $sheet->{'cell'}
248 0 0 7 exists $sheet->{'maxcol'} and exists $sheet->{'maxrow'}
250 1 1 4 $row > 0 and $row <= $sheet->{'maxrow'}
259 0 2 7 ref $sheet eq 'HASH' and exists $sheet->{'cell'}
260 0 0 7 exists $sheet->{'maxcol'} and exists $sheet->{'maxrow'}
262 1 1 4 $row > 0 and $row <= $sheet->{'maxrow'}
270 3 1 26 ref $sheet eq 'HASH' and exists $sheet->{'cell'}
271 14 7 5 exists $sheet->{'maxcol'} and exists $sheet->{'maxrow'}
282 1 1 21 $book and $sheet
285 5 0 16 $sheet =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $sheet >= 1
5 1 15 $sheet =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $sheet >= 1 and $sheet <= $book->[0]{'sheets'}
310 7 0 247 $ss->{'maxrow'} and $ss->{'maxcol'}
336 33 214 0 $oc and $mc < $ss->{'maxcol'} || $mr < $ss->{'maxrow'}
397 216 418 892 $p == 0 and not defined $bg
434 51 214 11 $io_fil and not -s $txt
435 245 15 5 $io_ref and eof $txt
437 29 120 84 $io_fil && $txt =~ /\.(csv)$/i
476 84 3 7 defined $opt{'quote'} and defined $opt{'sep'}
546 0 25 3 not $io_ref and $txt =~ /\.xlsx?$/i
592 74 0 71 $io_fil && $txt =~ /\.(xlsx?)$/i && ($_parser = $1)
663 24 91 6 $opt{'clip'} and not defined $oWkS->{'Cells'}
729 0 1802 0 defined $val and my $enc = $oWkC->{'Code'}
767 230 132 8 defined $fmt and $fmt =~ m[^[dmy][-\\/dmy]*$]
771 208 41 99 defined $fmt and $fmt =~ /^0+\.0+%$/
776 0 1771 5 $FmT && exists $def_fmt{$FmT->{'FmtIdx'}}
902 0 0 0 not $txt =~ /^<\?xml/i and -f $txt
919 0 0 0 not $sxc and $txt =~ /^<\?xml/i
981 9 9 5 not ref $txt and $txt =~ /\.\w+$/
996 0 0 2 $book and ref $book eq 'ARRAY' || ref $book eq 'Spreadsheet::Read'
0 0 2 $book and ref $book eq 'ARRAY' || ref $book eq 'Spreadsheet::Read' and $book->[0]{'sheets'}
1008 0 0 2 $p->{'type'} eq $c2->{'type'} and $p->{'parser'} eq $c2->{'parser'}
1045 27 0 28 @id == 2 and $id[0] =~ /^[0-9]+$/
27 0 28 @id == 2 and $id[0] =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $id[1] =~ /^[0-9]+$/
1047 0 0 27 @id and $id[0]
0 0 27 @id and $id[0] and exists $$sheet{$id[0]}
1054 5 0 3 @id == 2 and $id[0] =~ /^[0-9]+$/
5 0 3 @id == 2 and $id[0] =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $id[1] =~ /^[0-9]+$/
1055 0 0 5 @id and $id[0]
0 0 5 @id and $id[0] and exists $$sheet{$id[0]}
1101 0 2 2 defined $row and $row > 0
2 1 1 defined $row and $row > 0 and $row <= $sheet->{'maxrow'}
1109 0 2 2 defined $row and $row > 0
2 1 1 defined $row and $row > 0 and $row <= $sheet->{'maxrow'}
1116 0 2 2 defined $col and $col > 0
2 1 1 defined $col and $col > 0 and $col <= $sheet->{'maxcol'}
1124 0 2 2 defined $col and $col > 0
2 1 1 defined $col and $col > 0 and $col <= $sheet->{'maxcol'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
235 602 2 $_[0] or ''
638 75 0 $oBook->{'SheetCount'} || 0
709 0 110 $oWkS->{'RowHidden'} || []
710 0 110 $oWkS->{'ColHidden'} || []
808 14 1512 (defined $oWkC->{'Merged'} ? $oWkC->{'Merged'} : $oWkC->is_merged) || 0
3 1523 ($hiddenRows->[$r] || $hiddenCols->[$c] ? 1 : (defined $oWkC->{'Hidden'} ? $oWkC->{'Hidden'} : $FmT->{'Hidden'})) || 0
628 898 $FmT->{'Lock'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
306 84 128 15 $os or $oc
336 106 0 108 $mc < $ss->{'maxcol'} || $mr < $ss->{'maxrow'}
363 1 0 0 $ss->{'maxrow'} or $ss->{'maxcol'}
388 0 382 468 $clr == 0 or $clr == 32767
399 0 418 0 $bg < 8 or $bg > 63
432 20 225 31 $io_ref || $io_fil
546 1 0 28 $txt =~ /\A(\376\067\0\043 |\320\317\021\340\241\261\032\341 |\333\245-\0\0\0)/x or $txt =~ /\A.{2080}Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheet/
1 0 28 $txt =~ /\A(\376\067\0\043 |\320\317\021\340\241\261\032\341 |\333\245-\0\0\0)/x or $txt =~ /\A.{2080}Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheet/ or $txt =~ /\A\x09\x04\x06\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00/
659 0 0 72 $oBook->get_active_sheet || $oBook->{'ActiveSheet'} || $oBook->{'SelectedSheet'}
767 0 0 370 $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 14 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 15
0 0 370 $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 14 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 15 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 16
0 0 370 $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 14 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 15 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 16 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 17
0 0 370 $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 14 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 15 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 16 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 17 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 22
0 16 354 $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 14 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 15 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 16 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 17 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 22 or defined $fmt and $fmt =~ m[^[dmy][-\\/dmy]*$]
771 19 3 348 $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 9 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 10
22 160 188 $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 9 or $FmT->{'FmtIdx'} == 10 or defined $fmt and $fmt =~ /^0+\.0+%$/
877 0 2714 828 /.* \{(.*)}$/ or /"(.*)"/
893 0 7 23 $txt =~ /^<\?xml/ || -f $txt
996 0 2 0 ref $book eq 'ARRAY' || ref $book eq 'Spreadsheet::Read'