Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 26 61.5

line true false branch
81 850 365 if not defined $sCode or $sCode eq '_native_'
92 56 331 if (not defined $sFmtStr and defined $rhFmt)
95 287 100 unless $sFmtStr
111 0 387 if ($$oBook{'Format'}[$$oCell{'FormatNo'}]{'Key123'})
115 0 387 unless (defined $sFmtStr)
116 0 0 if ($$oCell{'Type'} eq 'Numeric') { }
0 0 elsif ($$oCell{'Type'} eq 'Date') { }
117 0 0 if (int $$oCell{'Val'} != $$oCell{'Val'}) { }
125 0 0 if (int $$oCell{'Val'} <= 0) { }
147 737 385 if ($$oCell{'Type'} eq 'Text') { }
148 672 65 defined $$oCell{'Val'} && $$oCell{'Val'} ne '' ? :
169 385 737 if ($iNumeric) { }
170 49 336 if ($iFmtIdx >= 14 and $iFmtIdx <= 22 or $iFmtIdx >= 45 and $iFmtIdx <= 47) { }