Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 207 282 73.4

line true false branch
74 9 115 unless my $taid = $args{-'tx_action_id'}
77 0 115 unless defined $path
89 63 52 if ($tx_action eq 'check_state') { }
52 0 elsif ($tx_action eq 'fix_state') { }
90 2 61 if $exists and not $is_dir || $allow_sym && $is_sym_to_dir
92 55 6 if ($exists)
93 15 40 unless ($empty)
95 1 14 if (defined $d and not $d) { }
7 7 elsif (not defined $d) { }
99 2 5 unless ($args{-'confirm'})
104 0 52 if $dry_run
110 52 6 if (@undo) { }
163 0 80 unless defined $path
166 0 80 if $mode =~ /\D/
174 52 28 if ($tx_action eq 'check_state') { }
28 0 elsif ($tx_action eq 'fix_state') { }
176 6 46 if $exists and not $is_dir || $allow_sym && $is_sym_to_dir
178 29 17 unless ($exists)
181 29 17 if (@undo) { }
182 0 29 if $dry_run
190 28 0 if (CORE::mkdir $path, $mode) { }
249 0 413 unless defined $path
253 0 413 unless defined $want_mode
256 0 413 if not $follow_sym and $is_sym
259 411 2 if $exists
260 1 238 if (not $args{-'tx_recovery'} and defined $orig_mode and defined $cur_mode and $cur_mode != $orig_mode and not $args{-'confirm'})
264 24 388 if ($want_mode =~ /\D/)
265 0 24 unless $exists
271 219 193 if ($tx_action eq 'check_state') { }
193 0 elsif ($tx_action eq 'fix_state') { }
273 2 217 unless $exists
274 197 20 if ($cur_mode != $want_mode)
275 0 197 if $dry_run
282 197 20 if (@undo) { }
283 0 197 if $dry_run
293 193 0 if (CORE::chmod $want_mode, $path) { }
349 0 20 unless Lchown::LCHOWN_AVAILABLE()
358 0 20 unless defined $path
364 0 20 unless defined $want_owner or defined $want_group
368 0 20 if (defined $orig_owner)
369 0 0 if ($orig_owner =~ /\A\d+\z/) { }
372 0 0 if @ent
376 0 0 unless @ent
382 14 6 if (defined $want_owner)
383 6 8 if ($want_owner =~ /\A\d+\z/) { }
386 6 0 if @ent
390 0 8 unless @ent
396 0 20 if (defined $orig_group)
397 0 0 if ($orig_group =~ /\A\d+\z/) { }
400 0 0 if @grent
404 0 0 unless @grent
410 14 6 if (defined $want_group)
411 6 8 if ($want_group =~ /\A\d+\z/) { }
414 6 0 if @grent
418 0 8 unless @grent
426 12 8 if ($follow_sym and $exists)
428 0 12 unless @st
432 20 0 unless ($args{-'tx_recovery'} or $args{-'confirm'})
435 0 20 if $changed
440 15 5 if ($tx_action eq 'check_state') { }
5 0 elsif ($tx_action eq 'fix_state') { }
442 2 13 unless $exists
443 6 7 if (defined $want_uid and $cur_uid != $want_uid or defined $want_gid and $cur_gid != $want_gid)
445 0 6 if $dry_run
447 4 2 defined $want_uid && $cur_uid != $want_uid ? :
2 4 defined $want_gid && $cur_gid != $want_gid ? :
457 6 7 if (@undo) { }
466 4 1 $follow_sym ? :
468 4 1 if ($follow_sym) { }
473 5 0 if ($res) { }
545 12 204 unless my $taid = $args{-'tx_action_id'}
548 0 204 unless defined $path
560 109 95 if ($tx_action eq 'check_state') { }
95 0 elsif ($tx_action eq 'fix_state') { }
561 2 107 if $exists and not $is_file || $allow_sym && $is_sym_to_file
563 99 8 if ($exists)
564 68 21 if (not $args{-'confirm'} and defined $args{'orig_content'} || defined $args{'orig_content_md5'})
566 9 59 if (defined $args{'orig_content'})
569 0 9 unless defined $ct
572 2 7 if $ct ne $args{'orig_content'}
574 59 7 if (defined $args{'orig_content_md5'})
576 0 59 unless open my $fh, '<', $path
582 2 57 if $ctx->hexdigest ne $args{'orig_content_md5'}
585 0 95 if $dry_run
591 95 8 if (@undo) { }
700 13 238 unless my $taid = $args{-'tx_action_id'}
703 0 238 unless defined $path
712 3 235 if $exists and not $is_file || $allow_sym && $is_sym_to_file
717 131 104 if ($exists)
719 0 131 unless defined $ct
722 20 111 if (defined $args{'check_content_func'}) { }
20 91 elsif (defined $args{'content_md5'}) { }
85 6 elsif (defined $args{'content'}) { }
732 136 99 if ($tx_action eq 'check_state') { }
99 0 elsif ($tx_action eq 'fix_state') { }
735 84 52 if ($exists) { }
736 67 17 if ($fix_content)
737 0 67 if $dry_run
749 7 45 if (defined $args{'gen_content_func'}) { }
24 21 elsif (defined $args{'content'}) { }
756 0 52 if $dry_run
762 119 17 if (@undo) { }
770 47 52 if ($fix_content)
774 0 47 unless $res->[0] == 200
777 99 0 if ($fix_content or not $exists) { }
779 16 83 if (defined $args{'gen_content_func'}) { }
53 30 elsif (defined $args{'content'}) { }
786 99 0 if (eval { do { File::Slurper::write_text($path, $ct); 1 } }) { }
808 18 100 unless my $taid = $args{-'tx_action_id'}
811 0 100 unless defined $path
822 0 100 if defined $check_ct xor defined $gen_ct
825 0 42 if defined $ct and defined $check_ct || defined $gen_ct
831 0 100 if $is_sym
870 18 82 if (defined $should_exist and not $should_exist)
871 14 4 if ($exists)
872 0 14 if $dry_run
879 2 2 unless defined $should_exist or $exists
881 0 80 if (not $allow_sym and $is_sym) { }
0 80 elsif ($is_dir and $which eq 'file') { }
17 75 elsif (not $is_dir and $which eq 'dir') { }
882 0 0 unless ($replace_sym)
886 0 0 if $dry_run
891 0 0 unless ($replace_dir)
894 0 0 if $dry_run
899 0 17 unless ($replace_file)
902 0 17 if $dry_run
908 51 29 $which eq 'file' ? :
909 41 39 if (not $exists) { }
920 20 19 if ($res->[0] == 200) { }
19 0 elsif ($res->[0] == 304) { }
922 0 20 $res->[3]{'do_actions'} ? :
931 40 40 if (defined $args{'mode'})
932 22 18 @st ? :
935 22 18 if defined $cur_mode
939 4 76 if (defined $args{'owner'})
940 2 2 @st ? :
944 2 2 if defined $cur_uid
949 4 76 if (defined $args{'group'})
950 2 2 @st ? :
954 2 2 if defined $cur_gid
960 88 12 if (@do) { }