line |
!l |
l&&!r |
l&&r |
condition |
0 |
0 |
148 |
$bank and $bank->isa('Settlers::Game::Bank') |
0 |
0 |
148 |
$bank and $bank->isa('Settlers::Game::Bank') and $details |
0 |
0 |
148 |
$bank and $bank->isa('Settlers::Game::Bank') and $details and ref $details eq 'HASH' |
0 |
0 |
148 |
$bank and $bank->isa('Settlers::Game::Bank') and $details and ref $details eq 'HASH' and keys %$details |
0 |
0 |
148 |
$bank and $bank->isa('Settlers::Game::Bank') and $details and ref $details eq 'HASH' and keys %$details and $players |
0 |
0 |
148 |
$bank and $bank->isa('Settlers::Game::Bank') and $details and ref $details eq 'HASH' and keys %$details and $players and ref $players eq 'ARRAY' |
0 |
484 |
0 |
$player_number and exists $self->{$player_number} |