Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 347 364 95.3

line true false branch
39 5 273 if ($_[2])
71 2 1 if &set_le
72 2 1 if &set_ge
82 0 0 $a->equal($b) ? :
89 21 0 if ref $a
90 4 17 if ref $b
94 7 14 if $a == $b
95 2 12 if $a < 0
96 1 11 if $b < 0
129 11 0 $@ ? :
137 929 2498 unless defined $set_spec
140 2400 98 unless ref $set_spec
141 48 50 if ref $set_spec eq 'ARRAY'
169 23 51 if (@span == 0) { }
19 32 elsif (@span == 1 and $e == $span[0] + 1) { }
6 26 elsif (@span == 1 and $e > $span[0] + 1) { }
11 15 elsif (@span == 2 and $e == $span[1] + 1) { }
6 14 elsif (@span == 2 and $e > $span[1] + 1) { }
193 10 38 if @span == 1
194 13 35 if @span == 2
204 77 18 if (defined $al and defined $bl) { }
5 13 elsif (defined $al) { }
12 1 elsif (defined $bl) { }
0 1 elsif (defined $au) { }
0 1 elsif (defined $bu) { }
223 24 84 if (@spans and not defined $spans[0][0])
228 8 16 unless (defined $$span[1])
239 0 0 if $edges[0] < $$span[1]
245 65 35 if (@spans and not @edges)
249 59 6 if (defined $$span[1]) { }
264 47 8 if ($edges[-1] < $$span[0]) { }
270 7 1 if $edges[-1] < $$span[1]
274 10 84 if (@spans)
279 6 4 if ($edges[-1] < $$span[0]) { }
310 251 2160 if $runList eq '-'
317 4 3077 if $last
322 652 2425 if ($run =~ /^ (-?\d+) $/x)
328 1587 838 if ($run =~ /^ (-?\d+) - (-?\d+) $/x)
329 2 1585 if $1 > $2
336 293 545 if ($run =~ /^ \( - (-?\d+) $/x)
337 2 291 unless $first
345 298 247 if ($run =~ /^ (-?\d+) - \) $/x)
353 237 10 if ($run =~ /^ \( - \) $/x)
354 0 237 unless $first
370 4 2138 unless $set->_cleanup
387 3070 46 if $cmp == -1
388 42 4 if $cmp == 0
389 4 0 if $cmp == 1
401 240 818 if $set->empty
406 176 642 if $$set{'negInf'}
407 185 633 if $$set{'posInf'}
413 305 934 if ($lower ne '(' and $upper ne ')' and $lower + 1 == $upper) { }
419 758 176 if $lower ne '('
430 0 0 $$set{'negInf'} ? :
0 0 $$set{'posInf'} ? :
437 16 42 if $$set{'negInf'} or $$set{'posInf'}
448 27 15 wantarray ? :
456 5 18 if $$set{'negInf'}
457 6 17 if $$set{'posInf'}
464 18 5 defined $lower ? :
465 17 6 defined $upper ? :
479 10 28 if $$set{'negInf'}
480 10 28 if $$set{'posInf'}
486 42 10 if defined $lower
499 963 83 defined $set_spec && ref $set_spec && ref $set_spec ne 'ARRAY' ? :
537 62 93 if ($xA < $xB) { }
58 35 elsif ($xB < $xA) { }
541 33 29 unless $inB
547 25 33 unless $inA
555 18 17 if $inA == $inB
559 22 63 if $iA < @$eA and not $inB
560 32 53 if $iB < @$eB and not $inA
600 46 78 if ($xA < $xB) { }
43 35 elsif ($xB < $xA) { }
604 24 22 if $inB
610 24 19 if $inA
618 18 17 if $inA == $inB
622 4 63 if $iA < @$eA and $inB
623 4 63 if $iB < @$eB and $inA
666 107 218 if ($xA < $xB) { }
107 111 elsif ($xB < $xA) { }
670 61 46 unless $inB
676 47 60 if $inA
684 32 79 if $inA != $inB
688 60 183 if $iA < @$eA and not $inB
689 34 209 if $iB < @$eB and $inA
726 45 77 if ($xA < $xB) { }
43 34 elsif ($xB < $xA) { }
743 21 46 if $iA < @$eA
744 24 43 if $iB < @$eB
788 30 319 unless $$a{'negInf'} == $$b{'negInf'}
789 14 305 unless $$a{'posInf'} == $$b{'posInf'}
793 18 287 unless @$aEdge == @$bEdge
797 16 548 unless $$aEdge[$i] == $$bEdge[$i]
817 60 138 if $$set{'negInf'} or $$set{'posInf'}
858 7 2 unless $$set{'negInf'}
866 1 8 if $$set{'negInf'} and not @{$$set{'edges'};}
888 0 510 unless defined $n
893 87 423 if $$set{'negInf'} xor $i & 1 xor $indel
898 81 342 if ($lGap and $rGap) { }
284 58 elsif (not $lGap and $rGap) { }
55 3 elsif ($lGap and not $rGap) { }
911 75 681 unless @$edges
920 264 463 if ($target <= $$edges[$mid]) { }
930 188 493 if $target <= $$edges[$lower]
931 135 358 if $target <= $$edges[$upper]
940 15 9 ($$set{'negInf'} xor $i & 1) ? :
947 3 23 if $set->empty
948 4 19 if $set->neg_inf
957 3 23 if $set->empty
958 4 19 if $set->pos_inf
970 2 11 if ($negInf and $posInf) { }
2 9 elsif ($negInf and not $posInf) { }
2 7 elsif (not $negInf and $posInf) { }
5 2 elsif (@$edges) { }
1005 2 11 if ($negInf and $posInf) { }
2 9 elsif ($negInf and not $posInf) { }
2 7 elsif (not $negInf and $posInf) { }
5 2 elsif (@$edges) { }
1042 13 24 if (@edges and ($$inset{'negInf'} xor $n < 0))
1054 45 34 if $lower < $upper
1058 13 24 if (@edges)
1082 15 30 if $$set{'negInf'} or $$set{'posInf'}
1094 90 60 unless &$block()
1096 29 31 if (@sub_edges and $sub_edges[-1] == $i - 1) { }
1117 21 42 if $$set{'negInf'} or $$set{'posInf'}
1151 4 36 if ($$set{'negInf'} and $$set{'posInf'}) { }
4 32 elsif ($$set{'negInf'}) { }
1154 2 2 if (&$block())
1164 2 2 if (&$block())
1175 20 20 if &$block()
1178 8 32 if (@edges)
1182 4 4 if (&$block())
1200 6 54 if ($$set{'negInf'} and $$set{'posInf'}) { }
6 48 elsif ($$set{'negInf'}) { }
1219 12 48 if (@edges)
1236 15 2 $#{$$set{'edges'};} ? :
1248 15 2 $lastEdge ? :
1260 0 58 unless defined $start
1267 82 89 if ($inSet) { }
1269 29 53 if ($start <= $$edges[$i])
1272 21 8 $i ? :
1280 18 71 if ($start <= $$edges[$i])
1288 8 3 if ($inSet)
1291 7 1 @$edges ? :
1306 2 42 unless defined $$set{'iterator'}
1309 1 41 unless defined $run1
1312 28 13 if $$set{'iterator'} < $$edges[$run1]
1314 4 9 if ($run1 < $#$edges - 1) { }
2 7 elsif ($run1 < $#$edges) { }
1339 2 37 unless defined $$set{'iterator'}
1342 1 36 unless defined $run0
1345 25 11 if $$set{'iterator'} > $$edges[$run0] + 1
1347 3 8 if ($run0 > 1) { }
1 7 elsif ($run0 > 0) { }
1371 15 14 $i < 0 ? :
1378 1 13 if $set->neg_inf
1389 6 10 if $i < $size
1394 3 4 @edges ? :
1401 1 14 if $set->pos_inf
1413 7 12 if -$i < $size
1418 3 4 @edges ? :
1425 1 15 if $$set{'negInf'}
1428 0 15 unless defined $n
1437 4 17 if $n <= $lower
1439 9 8 if (defined $upper and $upper < $n)
1466 117 116 $offset < 0 ? :
1475 2 114 if $set->neg_inf
1486 89 62 if $offset < $size
1493 12 102 unless @edges
1505 3 114 if $set->pos_inf
1519 92 101 if -$offset < $size
1525 100 14 if (@edges) { }
2 12 elsif ($$set{'slicing'}) { }
1543 23 193 unless defined $length
1544 78 115 if $length < 0
1545 103 12 if $length > 0
1561 71 54 if $length <= $size
1567 84 19 if (@$edges)
1580 1 77 if $set->pos_inf
1588 53 73 if $length < $size
1594 53 24 if (@$edges)