Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 76 78.9

line true false branch
52 156 1 if $init
67 4 162 if $$self{'coerce'} and $$self{'type_constraint'}
89 3874 409 unless $x eq $y
95 0 409 unless !!defined($x) == !!defined($y)
98 0 404 if not ref $x and ref $y and not overload::Overloaded($y)
99 1 405 if not ref $y and ref $x and not overload::Overloaded($x)
109 1 165 unless $self->is_mutable
118 13 596 $sc ? :
119 148 461 if $tc
120 29 579 if any sub { &$eq($_, $item); } , $self->members
130 0 1 unless $self->is_mutable
139 0 20 $sc ? :
140 0 20 if $tc
141 10 10 if any sub { &$eq($_, $item); } , $self->members
154 1 147 unless @_
158 72 350 unless any sub { &$eq($_, $item); } , $self->members
169 4 32 if &$eq($_, $item)
186 1 13 unless $self->is_mutable
191 0 13 unless @_
196 21 309 if (&$eq($member, $item))
222 0 4 unless $self->is_mutable
227 0 4 unless $has
4 0 if (@{[] unless $has;})
235 1 2 unless $self->is_mutable
253 90 2 if (ref $_[0]) { }
257 1 89 if $_[0]->type_constraint
265 0 174 unless blessed($_[$_]) and $_[$_]->isa($class)
279 5 19 if refaddr $this == refaddr $that
280 13 6 if $this->contains($that->members)
326 5 2 if $that->contains($this->members)
336 5 2 if $this->contains($that->members)
382 13 0 unless &Scalar::Util::isweak($$self{'_array'})
394 0 2 unless blessed($_[0])
400 0 1 unless blessed($_[0])
417 0 4 unless $self->is_mutable
419 1 3 if $self->is_null
426 0 1 unless $self->is_mutable
428 0 1 if $self->is_null