Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 2 110 1.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
277 0 0 0 $compile and $decompile
350 0 0 0 $forcetolowercase and $lowercasealias
1436 0 0 0 -t STDIN and -t STDOUT
1697 0 0 0 $$class{'parse_embedded'} and $$class{'embedded_total'}
1999 0 0 0 $$class{'parse_embedded'} and $$class{'embedded_total'}
2038 0 0 0 $alword ne $ww and not exists $words_hash{$alword}
2140 0 0 0 $try_djvu_first and $img_type == 1 || $img_type == 2 || $img_type == 3
2183 0 0 0 @img_res and $img_res[0]
0 0 0 @img_res and $img_res[0] and $img_res[1]
2203 0 0 0 $$djvu{'width'} and $$djvu{'height'}
2639 0 0 0 $$class{'parse_embedded'} and $$class{'embedded_total'}
2926 0 0 0 $$img{'type'} != 4 and $$img{'type'} != 5
2932 0 0 0 $$img{'type'} != 4 and $$img{'type'} != 5
3173 0 0 0 $w and $h
3231 0 0 0 defined @{$$djvu{'bg44'};} and @{$$djvu{'bg44'};}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
298 0 0 $sort || 0
299 0 0 $convertcharset || 0
300 0 0 $parse_embedded || 0
301 0 0 $try_djvu_first || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
148 0 0 1 $@ or not $cpu
152 0 0 1 $cpu eq '4321' or $cpu eq '87654321'
278 0 0 0 $compile or $decompile
0 0 0 $compile or $decompile or $analyze
0 0 0 $compile or $decompile or $analyze or $printinfo
284 0 0 0 defined $analyze or defined $printinfo
344 0 0 0 $$class{'slevels'} < 3 or $$class{'slevels'} > 15
1346 0 0 0 not exists $$class{'analyze_max'} or $$class{'analyze_max'} < 3
0 0 0 not exists $$class{'analyze_max'} or $$class{'analyze_max'} < 3 or $$class{'analyze_max'} > 15
1498 0 0 0 $p eq '' or $v eq ''
1752 0 0 0 $$class{'lowercasealias'} or $$class{'forcetolowercase'}
1832 0 0 0 $word eq '' or $art eq ''
2140 0 0 0 $img_type == 1 || $img_type == 2 || $img_type == 3
2162 0 0 0 $img_type == 1 or $img_type == 2
0 0 0 $img_type == 1 or $img_type == 2 or $img_type == 3
2854 0 0 0 not defined $imgno or $imgno + 1 > $$class{'header'}{'embedded_total'}
2919 0 0 0 $$img{'type'} == 1 or $$img{'type'} == 2
0 0 0 $$img{'type'} == 1 or $$img{'type'} == 2 or $$img{'type'} == 3
2995 0 0 0 not defined $sndno or $sndno + 1 > $$class{'header'}{'embedded_total'}