Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 96 0.0

line true false branch
23 0 0 if ($self = eval { do { $class->_login(%login_info) } }) { }
27 0 0 unless $self->log('login', %login_info)
42 0 0 if (my $self = $class->load(%login_info)) { }
43 0 0 if $$self{'is_group'}
46 0 0 if $self->flag('Disabled')
49 0 0 if ($self->check_password($login_info{'password'})) { }
68 0 0 unless $$self{'password_crypt'}
72 0 0 unless $self->_CREATE_user
73 0 0 unless $self->log('create', %args)
74 0 0 unless defined $$self{'_password'}
87 0 0 if ($$self{'_validate_password'}($password)) { }
96 0 0 if ($self->password($password))
106 0 0 if $self->save
113 0 0 if ($self->_check_password($old)) { }
123 0 0 if ($self->_UPDATE_user and $self->_save_flags) { }
152 0 0 unless defined $$self{'password'} and length $$self{'password'} and defined $password and length $password
169 0 0 if (not defined $value) { }
174 0 0 if $create
187 0 0 unless ref $group
201 0 0 unless ref $group
239 0 0 if (my $dbh = 'Schema::RDBMS::AUS'->dbh(@args{'_db_dsn', '_db_user', '_db_pass', '_db_opts'})) { }
254 0 0 if ($class = ref $self) { }
260 0 0 unless $args{'_dbh'}
263 0 0 unless $args{'_dbh'}
266 0 0 unless $args{'_dbh'}->isa('DBIx::Transaction::db')
269 0 0 unless $args{'_dbh_driver'}
273 0 0 unless $args{'_validate_password'}
281 0 0 unless eval "use $$self{'_crypt_class'}; 1"
289 0 0 if (my $row = $self->_SELECT_user) { }
300 0 0 unless return $self->_refresh_flags && $self->_refresh_permissions && $self->_refresh_membership
311 0 0 if (my $row = $self->_SELECT_user(%args)) { }
331 0 0 if ($self->_INSERT_user(%args)) { }
356 0 0 unless $dbh->do($query, {}, $id)
360 0 0 unless return $dbh->selectrow_array($query, {}, $id)
389 0 0 if ($args{'id'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'name'}) { }
407 0 0 if (my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query))
408 0 0 if ($sth->execute($id))
426 0 0 unless $sth->execute($flag)
427 0 0 if ($sth->fetchrow_array) { }
432 0 0 unless $self->dbh->do('INSERT INTO aus_flag (name) VALUES (?)', {}, $flag)
453 0 0 if $args{'id'}
458 0 0 if $self->dbh->transaction(sub { my($query, @keys) = $self->_sql_INSERT_user(%args); $self->dbh->do($query, {}, @args{@keys}); } )
552 0 0 if ($sth->execute(@{$self;}{@params})) { }
569 0 0 unless $sth->execute($$self{'id'}, $gid)
583 0 0 unless $sth->execute($$self{'id'}, $gid)
616 0 0 unless $self->dbh->do($q, {}, @{$self;}{@p})
622 0 0 unless $self->dbh->do($q, {}, @{$self;}{@p}, $k, $v)