Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 18 72.2

line true false branch
30 0 9 unless defined $args{'types'}
31 0 9 if ref $args{'types'} ne 'ARRAY'
35 0 19 unless (defined $_ and blessed $_ and $_->isa('Salvation::TC::Meta::Type'))
77 11 6 if ($@)
79 11 0 if (blessed $@ and $@->isa('Salvation::TC::Exception::WrongType')) { }
81 10 1 $@->isa('Salvation::TC::Exception::WrongType::TC') ? :
96 6 11 if $check_passed
127 3 3 if ($@)
129 3 0 if (blessed $@ and $@->isa('Salvation::TC::Exception::WrongType')) { }