Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 56 91.0

line true false branch
189 45 1032 $lang ? :
48 1029 $$self{'css_url'} ? :
240 13 1064 if (my $header = $self->header)
241 4 9 $header =~ /^
297 25 1052 if ($self->filters_for('metadata'))
304 192 860 if (my $url = $self->revision_url) { }
316 10 1042 if (my $url = $self->author_url) { }
353 0 1077 if $self->verbose > 1
362 31 1046 $filters ? :
365 410 667 if ($self->linkize)
379 192 885 if (my $url = $self->revision_url)
385 39 1038 if (my $map = $self->ticket_map)
394 39 1038 if ($filters or $self->wrap_log) { }
395 8 31 if not $filters and $self->wrap_log
429 0 1077 unless my $files = $self->files
431 22 1055 if ($self->filters_for('file_lists'))
441 347 3873 unless $$files{$type}
445 1278 2595 if ($self->with_diff and not $self->attach_diff) { }
448 280 5895 if ($file =~ m[/$] and $type ne '_') { }
487 0 1057 if $self->verbose > 2
489 12 1045 if (my $footer = $self->footer)
490 5 7 $footer =~ /^
496 733 324 unless $self->with_diff and not $self->attach_diff
524 32 161 if ($self->filters_for('diff'))
528 0 161 if $self->verbose > 1
535 7278 40 if (not $max or ($length += length $_) < $max) { }
537 425 6853 if (/^(Modified|Added|Deleted|Copied|Property changes on): (.*)/ and not $seen{$2}++) { }
556 0 161 unless close $diff