Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 41 78.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
61 130 0 11 not $self->{'strict_trailing_slash'} and $path ne '/'
130 6 5 not $self->{'strict_trailing_slash'} and $path ne '/' and not $path =~ m[/$]
137 32 9 8 $part->{'level'} and exists $params{$name}
143 1 0 9 $part->{'level'} and $part->{'level'} > $optional_depth
145 0 0 1 exists $self->{'defaults'} and exists $self->{'defaults'}{$name}
167 0 2 1 exists $self->{'defaults'} and exists $self->{'defaults'}{$name}
198 0 32 3 $self->{'routes'} && $self->{'routes'}{'parent_pattern'}
206 0 25 10 $path ne '/' and $trailing_slash
311 142 53 66 $part->[-1] and substr($pattern, pos $pattern, 1) eq '/'
339 0 23 43 $part and @$part

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
28 4 63 $params{'constraints'} || {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
26 6 1 60 $params{'method'} || $params{'default_method'}
75 77 10 2 defined $value or not exists $captures->{$capture}
320 60 0 6 $self->{'strict_trailing_slash'} or $self->{'subroutes'}