Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 48 68.7

line true false branch
17 16 17 unless @_
54 0 5 ref $_[0] ? :
56 4 1 if (@_)
61 0 1 if exists $Inheritable_Scalar{$class}{'allow_apparent_reload'}
73 1 0 if (exists $Inheritable_Scalar{$subclass}{'allow_apparent_reload'})
114 0 125 unless ref $make eq 'HASH'
121 0 5 unless ref $code eq 'CODE' or ref $code eq 'HASH' and $$code{'make_method'}
124 1 300 if (my $code = $target_class->can($name))
126 0 1 if ($$options{'preserve_existing'} or $Preserve_Existing)
131 1 0 unless ($$options{'override_existing'})
133 1 0 if ($class->allow_apparent_reload and $class->apparently_made_method($code))
144 296 4 if (ref $code eq 'CODE') { }
166 0 1 unless $class and $name
170 1 0 $mm_class eq $class && $name =~ /^__ANON__/ || $Made_Method_Custom{$mm_class}{$name} ? :
189 0 1 unless $cv->isa('B::CV')
259 34 98 if (ref $method_type)
261 17 17 if (ref $method_type eq 'HASH') { }
17 0 elsif (ref $method_type eq 'ARRAY') { }
263 0 17 if $options
282 4 4 if ($i++ or defined $2) { }
296 21 77 if (not ref $args) { }
0 77 elsif (ref $args ne 'ARRAY') { }
311 221 29 if (ref $$args[0]) { }
313 0 221 unless (ref $$args[0] eq 'HASH')