Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 142 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
160 0 0 0 !$supports_catalog || $col_info->{'TABLE_CAT'} eq $catalog and $col_info->{'TABLE_SCHEM'} eq $schema
0 0 0 !$supports_catalog || $col_info->{'TABLE_CAT'} eq $catalog and $col_info->{'TABLE_SCHEM'} eq $schema and $col_info->{'TABLE_NAME'} eq $table_unquoted
435 0 0 0 $fk_info->{'FK_TABLE_CAT'} eq $catalog and $fk_info->{'FK_TABLE_SCHEM'} eq $schema
0 0 0 $fk_info->{'FK_TABLE_CAT'} eq $catalog and $fk_info->{'FK_TABLE_SCHEM'} eq $schema and $fk_info->{'FK_TABLE_NAME'} eq $table
534 0 0 0 defined $key_name and length $key_name
581 0 0 0 not $args{'replace_existing'} and keys %$auto_columns != @$existing_columns
672 0 0 0 not $Sort_Columns_Alphabetically and defined $pos1
0 0 0 not $Sort_Columns_Alphabetically and defined $pos1 and defined $pos2
800 0 0 0 $rel->can('foreign_key') and $rel->foreign_key
1067 0 0 0 %use and not $self->auto_load_related_classes
1072 0 0 0 defined $args{'use_setup'} and not $args{'use_setup'}
1143 0 0 0 exists $args{'with_unique_keys'} and not $args{'with_unique_keys'}
1155 0 0 0 not $args{'replace_existing'} and @$auto_unique_keys != @$existing_unique_keys
1184 0 0 0 exists $args{'with_foreign_keys'} and not $args{'with_foreign_keys'}
1193 0 0 0 not $args{'replace_existing'} and @$auto_foreign_keys != @$existing_foreign_keys
1233 0 0 0 $primary_key_columns and @$primary_key_columns
1350 0 0 0 $f_class and UNIVERSAL::isa($f_class, 'Rose::DB::Object')
1386 0 0 0 $local_unique and $remote_unique
1422 0 0 0 $cm->is_map_class($class) and not $args{'include_map_class_relationships'}
1477 0 0 0 $f_class and UNIVERSAL::isa($f_class, 'Rose::DB::Object')
1495 0 0 0 $rel->type eq 'one to one' and not $rel->foreign_key
1541 0 0 0 $local_unique and $remote_unique
1550 0 0 0 $cm->is_map_class($class) and not $args{'include_map_class_relationships'}
1609 0 0 0 $key_cols1 and keys %$key_cols1
0 0 0 $key_cols1 and keys %$key_cols1 and $key_cols2
0 0 0 $key_cols1 and keys %$key_cols1 and $key_cols2 and keys %$key_cols2

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
380 0 0 $pk_columns ||= []
1042 0 0 delete $args{'isa'} || [do {

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
68 0 0 0 $db ||= $self->db
93 0 0 0 $db ||= $self->db
160 0 0 0 !$supports_catalog || $col_info->{'TABLE_CAT'} eq $catalog
178 0 0 0 $error or not keys %columns
181 0 0 0 $error || q[no column info found for catalog '] . $catalog . q[' schema '] . $schema . "' table '${table}'"
230 0 0 0 $meta_class->column_type_class($type) || $meta_class->column_type_class('scalar')
371 0 0 0 $Missing_PK_OK || @$pk_columns
0 0 0 $error or not $Missing_PK_OK || @$pk_columns
374 0 0 0 $error || q[no primary key info found for catalog '] . $catalog . q[' schema '] . $schema . q[' table '] . $self->table
441 0 0 0 $fk_info->{'FK_NAME'} || $fk_info->{'UK_NAME'}
482 0 0 0 $@ or not UNIVERSAL::isa($foreign_class, 'Rose::DB::Object')
511 0 0 0 $no_warnings or $Warned{$key}++
0 0 0 $no_warnings or $Warned{$key}++ or $self->allow_auto_initialization
581 0 0 0 $args{'replace_existing'} or not @$existing_columns
638 0 0 0 length $name < $min_len or $min_len < 0
674 0 0 0 $pos1 <=> $pos2 || lc $a->name cmp lc $b->name
1155 0 0 0 $args{'replace_existing'} or not @$existing_unique_keys
1193 0 0 0 $args{'replace_existing'} or not @$existing_foreign_keys
1270 0 0 0 exists $args{'relationship_types'} or exists $args{'types'}
0 0 0 exists $args{'relationship_types'} or exists $args{'types'} or exists $args{'with_relationships'}