Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 24 79.1

line true false branch
21 20 0 if $type->can_be_inlined
33 4 4 if ($type->has_coercion and $type->coercion->can_be_inlined) { }
4 0 elsif ($type->has_coercion) { }
54 1 3 $_{'scalar'} == &Any() ? :
57 0 10 defined $prototype ? :
63 0 10 if ($_{'scope_upper'})
70 4 6 $_{'coerce_list'} ? :
71 4 6 $_{'coerce_scalar'} ? :
75 1 9 if ($_{'list'}->is_a_type_of(&HashRef())) { }
114 0 2 if ((ref $data || "") ne "ARRAY")
118 1 1 if (@$data == 1 and $data->[0] eq "Void")
124 1 1 @$data % 2 ? :