Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 68 64.7

line true false branch
49 1 9 if defined $rx
72 11 18 if $@
86 0 44 if defined $rx
87 0 44 unless &RxLEN
95 1 1 if $self->{'stack'}
102 0 0 if $self->{'stack'}
109 1 0 if $self->{'stack'}
110 0 1 if $n
117 0 2 /^\^(\S)/ ? :
153 0 0 if &SIZE_ONLY
166 0 184 unless &RxLEN
169 140 395 if (defined(my $r = $self->$try))
175 0 33 if ${&Rx;} =~ / \G \) /cgx
176 0 33 if &RxPOS != &RxLEN
178 15 18 unless (&SIZE_ONLY)
189 0 11 unless &RxLEN
190 8 3 if $self->{'stack'}
192 7 4 unless defined $depth
198 4 119 if @_ and $_[0] eq '-depth'
199 0 119 if @_
203 110 119 if ref $next eq 'CODE'
206 11 108 unless $next
208 108 0 wantarray ? :
215 5 0 if $self->{'stack'}
223 0 17 if $self->{'stack'}
228 0 17 if (@$rx == 1 and $rx->[0]->family eq 'group')
242 0 459 if (${&Rx;} =~ / \G \(\?\# [^)]* /cgx)
243 0 0 if ${&Rx;} =~ / \G \) /cgx
246 0 459 if &Rf & $self->FLAG_x and ${&Rx;} =~ / \G (?: \s+ | \# .* )+ /cgx
252 205 180 if &SIZE_ONLY
259 0 189 unless ref $_[0]
264 11 178 if ($ref ne 'Regexp::Parser' and not $loaded{$class}++)
269 11 0 if $user_base
270 10 1 if $orig_base