Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 39 51.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
486 8 0 4652 defined $latest_setup_locale and $latest_setup_locale eq $current_locale
609 14 0 8 not $english_only and $can_locale
673 0 0 8 not $english_only and $can_locale

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
124 0 233 116 $pattern eq 'y4m2d2' or $pattern eq 'YMD'
164 0 392 194 $pattern eq 'm2d2y4' or $pattern eq 'MDY'
204 0 228 124 $pattern eq 'd2m2y4' or $pattern eq 'DMY'
517 0 0 8 not $can_locale or $@
595 0 0 8 not $can_locale or $@
630 14 0 8 $english_only or not $can_locale
14 0 8 $english_only or not $can_locale or $@
659 0 0 8 not $can_locale or $@
689 0 0 8 $english_only or not $can_locale
0 0 8 $english_only or not $can_locale or $@