Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 39 58.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
25 0 0 2 not $u{$$_{$_[1]}} and do { $u{$$_{$_[1]}} = 1 }
67 0 13 31 $m <= $st and $st <= $mx
73 0 13 2 $m < $st and $st <= $mx
103 0 11 23 not $tok->{'isPadded'} and $p
11 23 0 not $tok->{'isPadded'} and $p and $p->{'pattern'} eq $o->{'pattern'}
123 0 0 0 $i and $helper{'contains'}->($c, 'string', $e)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
147 9 19 ref $_[0] || ''
164 10 13 $options ||= {}
165 10 13 $options->{'capture'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
36 7 15 12 not $s or $s == 1
92 17 0 45 $n->[0] != 0 || $n->[1] != 9
123 0 0 26 $i || $helper{'contains'}->($c, 'string', $e)
162 23 0 0 defined $max or $start == $max
184 0 0 9 $helper{'padding'}->($a) || $helper{'padding'}->($b)