Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 256 35.1

line true false branch
146 0 36 ref $_[0] ? :
148 2 3 if ($self->{'path'} and $self->{'host'} || $self->{'port'})
151 8 26 if ($self->{'url'})
152 2 5 if ($self->{'host'} or $self->{'port'} or $self->{'path'})
160 27 4 unless exists $self->{'raise_error'}
168 18 13 unless $self->{'lazy'}
177 0 5 unless ($uri->scheme =~ /^redis/)
223 0 45 if $self->replies_to_fetch
225 0 45 if $self->{'_subscription_loop'}
242 11 17 if ($err) { }
245 7 4 if ($self->{'raise_error'} or $self->{'_in_multi'} or $self->{'_watching'}) { }
0 4 elsif (my $loop_type = $self->{'_subscription_loop'}) { }
282 0 17 if $self->{'warnings'}
294 3 53 if $self->{'_in_connect'}
301 2 56 if ($self->{'path'}) { }
305 1 1 unless $self->{'_socket'} = 'IO::Socket::UNIX'->new('Type', 1, 'Peer', $self->{'path'})
311 30 56 if $delay
316 2 84 $self->{'timeout'} ? :
48 38 unless $self->{'_socket'} = 'IO::Socket::IP'->new('PeerAddr', $self->{'host'}, 'PeerPort', $self->{'port'}, 'Proto', 'tcp', $self->{'timeout'} ? ('Timeout', $self->{'timeout'}) : ())
318 30 56 $delay ? :
319 5 81 if $delay > $self->{'reconnect_delay_max'}
325 19 39 unless ($self->{'_socket'})
331 6 8 if ($self->{'raise_error'}) { }
336 8 0 if $self->{'_parser'}
340 8 5 if $new_error
344 2 37 if ($self->{'timeout'})
351 0 2 if ($RedisDB::Config{'osname'} eq 'netbsd') { }
0 2 elsif ($RedisDB::Config{'osname'} eq 'openbsd') { }
353 0 0 if ($1 and $1 >= 6)
359 0 0 if ($1 and $1 > 5 || $1 == 5 && $2 >= 5)
363 0 2 if ($timet64 and $RedisDB::Config{'longsize'} == 4) { }
364 0 0 if (defined $RedisDB::Config{'use64bitint'}) { }
371 0 0 $RedisDB::Config{'byteorder'} eq '1234' ? :
382 0 2 unless defined $self->{'_socket'}->sockopt(20, $timeout)
384 0 2 unless defined $self->{'_socket'}->sockopt(21, $timeout)
398 0 39 if ($self->{'password'})
404 0 0 if _is_redisdb_error($res)
410 0 39 if ($self->{'connection_name'})
415 3 36 if ($self->{'database'})
439 0 47 if $SET_NB
443 0 17 do { $buf ne '' } ? :
17 30 defined $ret ? :
446 30 0 if $! == 11 or $! == 11
447 0 0 if $! == 4
463 0 17 if ($self->{'_parser'}->callbacks or $self->{'_in_multi'} or $self->{'_watching'}) { }
473 17 0 unless ($self->{'_socket'})
475 4 10 if $error
481 0 40 if $SET_NB
518 7 47 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') { }
527 0 54 if ($self->{'_subscription_loop'})
528 0 0 unless $command =~ /^(P?(UN)?SUBSCRIBE|QUIT)$/
533 0 54 if ($command eq 'AUTH') { }
3 51 elsif ($command eq 'SELECT') { }
0 102 elsif ($command eq 'CLIENT' and uc $_[0] eq 'SETNAME') { }
542 0 0 unless ref $_[1]
554 21 33 unless ($self->{'_socket'} and $self->{'_pid'} == $$)
556 4 14 if ($error)
565 4 40 if ($error)
574 0 40 unless $NOSIGNAL
575 0 40 unless defined send($self->{'_socket'}, $request, $NOSIGNAL)
585 0 0 if (_is_redisdb_error($res))
629 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE'
646 0 0 if ($error)
649 0 0 @{$self->{'_replies'};} ? :
663 0 0 unless $self->{'_parser'}
666 0 0 unless $self->{'_pid'} == $$
668 0 0 unless (defined $ret)
669 0 0 if $! == 4
670 0 0 if ($! == 11) { }
679 0 0 if ($buffer ne '') { }
711 0 0 unless @{$self->{'_replies'};} or $self->{'_to_be_fetched'} or $self->{'_subscription_loop'}
712 0 44 unless $self->{'_pid'} == $$
715 2 43 if (not defined $ret) { }
34 9 elsif ($buffer ne '') { }
716 0 2 if $! == 4 or $! == 0
718 2 0 if ($! == 11 or $! == 11) { }
739 0 12 if (_is_redisdb_error($res) and $self->{'raise_error'} || $self->{'_in_multi'} || $self->{'_watching'})
745 0 37 if ($self->{'_subscription_loop'})
746 0 0 unless ref $res
747 0 0 if ($res->[0] eq 'message') { }
0 0 elsif ($res->[0] eq 'pmessage') { }
0 0 elsif ($res->[0] =~ /^p?(un)?subscribe/) { }
749 0 0 if $self->{'_subscribed'}{$res->[1]}
753 0 0 if $self->{'_psubscribed'}{$res->[1]}
836 0 0 unless $info->{'redis_version'} =~ /^([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)(?:[.]([0-9]+))?/
838 0 0 $3 ? :
924 4 45 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') { }
942 0 0 if ($_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') { }
946 0 0 unless _is_redisdb_error($reply)
953 0 0 unless _is_redisdb_error($reply)
973 0 0 if not $info or ref $info
992 0 0 if not $list or ref $list
996 0 0 /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/ ? :
1039 0 0 unless ($host)
1066 0 0 if ($parsed->{'role'} eq 'master') { }
0 0 elsif ($parsed->{'role'} eq 'slave') { }
0 0 elsif ($parsed->{'role'} eq 'sentinel') { }
1136 0 0 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE')
1145 0 0 unless ref $res eq 'ARRAY'
1171 0 0 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE')
1178 0 0 unless ref $res eq 'ARRAY'
1435 0 0 if $self->{'_subscription_loop'} > 0
1436 0 0 if $self->replies_to_fetch
1444 0 0 if ($args{'subscribe'})
1447 0 0 if ref $args{'subscribe'}[0] eq 'CODE'
1451 0 0 if ($args{'psubscribe'})
1454 0 0 if ref $args{'psubscribe'}[0] eq 'CODE'
1459 0 0 unless CORE::keys %{$$self{'_subscribed'};} or CORE::keys %{$$self{'_psubscribed'};}
1477 0 0 unless ($self->{'_subscription_loop'})
1482 0 0 unless length $channel
1483 0 0 if ($self->{'_subscription_loop'} > 0) { }
1485 0 0 unless $callback ||= $self->{'_subscription_cb'}
1505 0 0 unless ($self->{'_subscription_loop'})
1510 0 0 unless length $channel
1511 0 0 if ($self->{'_subscription_loop'} > 0) { }
1513 0 0 unless $callback ||= $self->{'_subscription_cb'}
1533 0 0 if (@_) { }
1539 0 0 if (%{$self->{'_subscribed'};} or %{{} unless $self->{'_psubscribed'};}) { }
1540 0 0 unless $self->{'_psubscribed'}
1561 0 0 if (@_) { }
1567 0 0 unless $self->{'_subscribed'}
0 0 if (%{{} unless $self->{'_subscribed'};} or %{$self->{'_psubscribed'};}) { }
1627 0 0 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') { }
1645 0 0 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') { }
1665 0 0 if $self->{'_in_multi'}
1667 0 0 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') { }
1688 0 0 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') { }
1709 0 0 if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') { }