Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 51 33.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
27 1 4 0 $c->session_is_valid && $c->session->{'RapidApp_username'}
68 0 0 0 $to and $to ne '/'
0 0 0 $to and $to ne '/' and $to ne $c->mount_url . '/'
69 0 0 0 $c->session and $c->session_is_valid
0 0 0 $c->session and $c->session_is_valid and $c->user_exists
122 8 0 0 $href =~ m[^/auth/login/] and $c->session->{'RapidApp_username'}
154 0 2 11 $c->session and $c->session_is_valid
2 3 8 $c->session and $c->session_is_valid and $c->user_exists
203 0 0 5 $user and $user ne ''
224 0 0 0 $t && $t ne '/' && $t ne ''
260 0 1 0 $c->session and $c->session->{'login_error'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
114 0 8 $c->req->params->{'redirect'} || '/'
116 0 8 $c->mount_url || ''
209 0 0 $c->session->{'login_error'} ||= 'Authentication failure'
250 0 1 shift() || {}
252 1 0 $c->config->{'Plugin::RapidApp::AuthCore'} || {}
253 0 1 $config->{'login_template'} ||= 'rapidapp/public/login.html'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
113 8 0 0 $c ||= 'RapidApp'->active_request_context
114 0 8 0 $href ||= $c->req->params->{'redirect'} || '/'