Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 110 222 49.5

line true false branch
35 10 0 if scalar @_ > 1
1687 11 if scalar @_ > 1
167 0 if scalar @_ > 1
1689 147 if scalar @_ > 1
985 11 if scalar @_ > 1
781 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
781 0 if scalar @_ > 1
1 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
10 0 if scalar @_ > 1
767 1 if scalar @_ > 1
147 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
781 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
1 0 if (scalar @_ > 1)
439 0 if scalar @_ > 1
781 0 if scalar @_ > 1
1927 2288 if scalar @_ > 1
2 0 if scalar @_ > 1
160 0 if scalar @_ > 1
295 0 if scalar @_ > 1
1 0 if scalar @_ > 1
82 0 if scalar @_ > 1
82 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
82 1156 if scalar @_ > 1
63 0 if scalar @_ > 1
82 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if (scalar @_ > 1)
781 0 if (scalar @_ > 1)
183 54 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
4 0 if scalar @_ > 1
781 0 if scalar @_ > 1
781 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
0 1070 if scalar @_ > 1
511 0 if scalar @_ > 1
791 0 if scalar @_ > 1
54 909 0 unless exists $self->{'field_readonly_config'}
909 0 unless exists $self->{'field_readonly'}
909 0 unless exists $self->{'dataIndex'}
908 1 unless exists $self->{'no_multifilter'}
909 0 unless exists $self->{'width'}
909 0 unless exists $self->{'required_fetch_columns'}
908 1 unless exists $self->{'no_quick_search'}
909 0 unless exists $self->{'no_column'}
909 0 unless exists $self->{'header'}
903 6 unless exists $self->{'sortable'}
909 0 unless exists $self->{'field_config'}
909 0 unless exists $self->{'hidden'}
65 0 0 unless $new
68 0 0 if defined $self->renderer
76 0 781 unless $new
81 184 597 unless defined $new and not &blessed($new)
87 0 1 unless $new
94 2 0 if (defined $sel->{'value'} and defined $sel->{'text'})
98 2 0 if $sel->{'iconCls'}
101 2 0 if $sel->{'iconCls'} and jstrue($new->{'render_icon_only'})
106 1 0 if defined $value_list[0]
119 1 0 ref $self->{'editor'} eq 'HASH' ? :
125 0 1 if ($mode eq 'combo') { }
1 0 elsif ($mode eq 'menu') { }
0 0 elsif ($mode eq 'cycle') { }
146 0 1 unless defined $self->{'editor'}{'header'} and $self->{'editor'}{'header'} ne ''
167 1 0 if defined $orig_value
169 0 1 if $new->{'width'}
178 11 898 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
179 0 909 if defined $self->{'renderer'} and not &blessed($self->{'renderer'})
181 0 935 unless $attrKeySet{$_}
183 0 935 if $t
191 0 1081 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
198 46716 9496 unless exists $new{$attr}
204 0 1081 if (scalar keys %new > 0)
215 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
222 0 0 unless exists $new{$attr}
223 0 0 unless defined $self->{$attr}
228 0 0 if (scalar keys %new > 0)
246 948 133 if ref $self->{'no_column'}
247 823 258 unless $self->no_column
250 654 427 if ref $self->{'allow_edit'}
253 715 366 if ref $self->{'allow_add'}
256 2 1079 if ref $self->{'allow_view'}
264 823 258 if exists $self->{'allow_edit'} and not jstrue($self->{'allow_edit'})
267 129 129 unless exists $self->{'allow_edit'}
276 127 131 $no_edit ? :
283 887 194 if exists $self->{'allow_add'} and not jstrue($self->{'allow_add'})
285 128 66 unless exists $self->{'allow_add'}
292 2 124 unless exists $self->{'allow_add'} or $self->allow_edit or $self->{'_allow_edit_init_unset'}
301 125 67 $no_add ? :
308 98 983 if exists $self->{'allow_view'} and not jstrue($self->{'allow_view'})
311 906 77 unless exists $self->{'allow_view'}
322 159 824 $no_view ? :
330 87955 120005 defined $self->{$_} ? :
335 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
360 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
385 0 0 if $self->editor
392 0 0 if $self->field_readonly