Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 98 146 67.1

line true false branch
40 0 0 unless grep {$p{'type'} eq $_;} 'basic', 'api_key', 'oauth2'
44 0 0 if ($p{'type'} eq 'basic') { }
0 0 elsif ($p{'type'} eq 'api_key') { }
0 0 elsif ($p{'type'} eq 'oauth2') { }
50 0 0 unless grep {$p{'in'} eq $_;} 'query', 'header'
59 0 0 unless grep {$p{'flow'} eq $_;} 'implicit', 'password', 'application', 'accessCode'
67 0 0 if (grep {$p{'flow'} eq $_;} 'implicit', 'accessCode')
71 0 0 if (grep {$p{'flow'} eq $_;} 'password', 'application', 'accessCode')
77 0 0 unless $SETTINGS{'security'}
84 16 2 if $self->{'built'}
90 0 2 $app->format ? :
126 0 2 if (scalar @$tags)
147 6 0 if $contact->{$_}
157 2 0 if $license->{'url'}
169 2 2 if $SETTINGS{'description'}
170 1 3 if $SETTINGS{'terms_of_service'}
172 2 2 if keys %{$SETTINGS{'contact'};}
173 2 2 if keys %{$SETTINGS{'license'};}
183 2 0 unless $SETTINGS{'security'}
190 6 20 if lc $r->method eq 'options'
232 19 1 if scalar @$params
239 20 1 unless $r->entity
264 2 41 if ($p->in) { }
14 27 elsif ($p->named) { }
1 26 elsif ($type eq 'object') { }
17 9 elsif ($method =~ /patch|post|put/i) { }
272 1 42 if (_type_name($p->type) =~ /^HashRef$/)
277 1 42 if (_type_is_enum($p->type))
282 31 12 $p->required ? :
289 11 32 if defined $p->default
303 1 26 if ($r->entity)
309 39 2 unless _type_name($p->type) =~ /^HashRef$/
310 0 2 unless $p->enclosed
322 3 2 unless scalar @objects
326 4 0 if ($obj->can('enclosed'))
327 0 4 unless $obj->enclosed
328 1 8 if (exists $expose->{'using'})
342 0 6 unless _type_name($p->type) =~ /^HashRef$/
345 0 6 unless $p->enclosed
348 10 4 if $pp->required
366 26 0 unless $_
389 342 0 if ($type and $type->can('display_name')) { }
0 0 elsif ($type and $type->can('name')) { }
408 2 55 if (_type_name($tt) =~ /^Maybe\[/)
413 3 54 if (_type_name($tt) =~ /^HashRef$/) { }
0 54 elsif (_type_name($tt) =~ /^HashRef\[.*\]$/) { }
3 51 elsif (_type_name($tt) =~ /^ArrayRef/) { }
414 0 3 $p->can('using') ? :
430 4 0 if ($tt->can('type_parameter')) { }
436 1 3 unless defined $type
439 2 1 if ($type eq 'object') { }
441 1 1 if ($p->can('using') and $p->using) { }
1 0 elsif ($tt->can('type_parameter')) { }
446 1 0 if (defined $subscript_type)
448 0 1 if defined $subscript_format
454 0 1 if $format
455 0 1 if $p->desc
461 17 34 if $format
462 27 24 if $p->desc
469 98 1 if ($t and $t->can('name')) { }
470 34 64 if ($t->name =~ /int/i) { }
0 64 elsif ($t->name =~ /long/i) { }
0 64 elsif ($t->name =~ /num|float|real/i) { }
0 64 elsif ($t->name =~ /double/i) { }
54 10 elsif ($t->name =~ /str/i) { }
0 10 elsif ($t->name =~ /byte/i) { }
0 10 elsif ($t->name =~ /bool/i) { }
0 10 elsif ($t->name =~ /datetime/i) { }
0 10 elsif ($t->name =~ /date/i) { }
0 10 elsif ($t->name =~ /password/i) { }
4 6 elsif ($t->name =~ /hashref/i) { }
482 2 4 if (_type_name($t) =~ /ArrayRef/) { }
511 1 42 if $type->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum') or $type->isa('Type::Tiny::Enum')