Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 38 0.0

line true false branch
26 0 0 if ($agent->is_version_4)
30 0 0 unless "REST::Neo4p"->connected
31 0 0 if $agent->batch_mode
32 0 0 unless $action and grep /^$action$/, ("keep_objs", "discard_objs")
41 0 0 unless $res->[0] eq "BATCH"
48 0 0 if (not $obj->{'status'} =~ /^2../) { }
0 0 elsif (not $obj->{'status'}) { }
49 0 0 if $REST::Neo4p::VERBOSE
57 0 0 if $REST::Neo4p::VERBOSE
64 0 0 if $action eq "keep_objs"
92 0 0 unless $body
93 0 0 unless $decoded_batch_resp->{'status'} =~ /^2../
95 0 0 if ($body->{'template'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($body->{'from'} and $body->{'from'} =~ /properties/) { }
0 0 elsif ($body->{'self'} and $body->{'self'} =~ m[node/[0-9]+$]) { }
0 0 elsif ($body->{'self'} and $body->{'self'} =~ m[relationship/[0-9]+$]) { }
108 0 0 if $REST::Neo4p::VERBOSE
110 0 0 if ($obj)
112 0 0 if (my $batch_obj = delete $$batch_objs{"{$id}"})