Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 188 47.8

line true false branch
24 0 2 unless (defined $q_string and not ref $q_string)
27 0 2 unless (not defined $params or ref $params eq "HASH")
32 1 1 $params ? :
48 0 10 if (@params)
49 0 0 ref $params[0] ? :
55 0 10 unless "REST::Neo4p"->connected
58 0 10 if ($agent->batch_mode)
68 0 10 unless ($self->tmpf)
75 5 5 if (/cypher/)
83 5 0 if (/transaction/)
105 0 10 if (my $e = 'REST::Neo4p::Neo4jException'->caught) { }
0 10 elsif ($e = 'REST::Neo4p::Exception'->caught) { }
0 10 elsif ($e = 'Exception::Class'->caught) { }
107 0 0 if $e->can("error_list")
108 0 0 if $self->{'RaiseError'}
113 0 0 if $self->{'RaiseError'}
117 0 0 ref $e && $e->can('rethrow') ? :
119 10 0 if (not ref('REST::Neo4p'->agent) =~ /Neo4j::Driver/) { }
130 0 29 unless (defined $self->{'_iterator'})
174 0 0 unless $rec
180 0 0 unless ref($_[0]) =~ /Driver/
183 0 0 $as_object ? :
187 0 0 if (/Driver/)
190 0 0 if (/HASH/)
195 0 0 if (/ARRAY/)
205 0 0 if (my $e = "Exception::Class"->caught)
206 0 0 if ($e =~ /j_parse|json/i) { }
209 0 0 if $self->{'RaiseError'}
217 0 0 if (@row == 1 and ref $row[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
241 0 10 unless $res
242 1 9 unless $res->[0] =~ /QUERY|TXN/
244 4 5 if (/QUERY/)
246 0 2 unless $obj and $obj->[0] eq "columns"
250 0 2 unless $obj->[0] eq "data"
254 0 6 unless defined $self->tmpf
258 0 5 unless ($item)
263 0 5 if (ref $row) { }
269 5 0 if ($row eq 'PENDING') { }
270 4 1 if ($self->tmpf->read($buf, $BUFSIZE)) { }
284 2 3 if (my $e = "Exception::Class"->caught)
285 2 0 if ($e =~ /j_parse|json/i) { }
288 2 0 if $self->{'RaiseError'}
301 5 0 if (/TXN/)
303 0 5 unless $obj and $obj->[0] eq "commit"
305 0 5 unless $obj and $obj->[0] eq "results"
310 0 33 unless defined $self->tmpf
312 0 33 unless ($item)
319 3 30 if ($item->[0] eq "columns")
323 0 3 unless $item->[0] eq "data"
325 30 3 if ($item->[0] eq "data" and ref $item->[1])
328 30 3 if ($row_str) { }
330 24 6 if (ref $row and ref $row->[1]) { }
3 3 elsif (not defined $row) { }
338 3 0 if ($row->[1] eq 'PENDING') { }
351 0 3 if $item->[1] =~ /STREAM/
353 29 4 if $ret or $self->err and $self->errobj->isa("REST::Neo4p::TxQueryException")
354 3 1 if ($item and $item->[0] eq "transaction")
357 3 1 if ($item and $item->[0] eq "errors")
362 135 4 if (ref $err) { }
4 0 elsif ($err eq 'PENDING') { }
373 2 1 if @error_list
378 2 1 if $e
381 2 31 if (my $e = "Exception::Class"->caught)
382 2 0 if (ref $e) { }
0 0 elsif ($e =~ /j_parse|json/i) { }
384 0 2 if $self->{'RaiseError'}
389 0 0 if $self->{'RaiseError'}
405 0 10 if (my $e = 'Exception::Class'->caught('REST::Neo4p::LocalException')) { }
5 5 elsif ($e = 'Exception::Class'->caught) { }
407 0 0 if $self->{'RaiseError'}
411 0 5 if (ref $e) { }
415 5 0 if ($e =~ /j_parse|json/i) { }
418 5 0 if $self->{'RaiseError'}
429 0 75 if (ref $resp eq '') { }
0 75 elsif ($meta) { }
3 72 elsif (defined $resp->{'self'}) { }
0 72 elsif (defined $resp->{'start'} and defined $resp->{'end'} and defined $resp->{'nodes'}) { }
439 2 1 if (m[data/node])
442 1 0 if (m[data/relationship])
465 0 75 if ($meta)
469 0 75 unless (ref $_)
473 75 0 if (ref($_) =~ /HASH/)
476 0 75 if ($info and $info->{'type'}) { }
486 0 75 if ($e = "Exception::Class"->caught)
487 0 0 ref $e && $e->can('rethrow') ? :
491 75 0 $self->{'ResponseAsObjects'} ? :
495 0 0 if (ref($_) =~ /ARRAY/)
500 0 0 if ($info and $info->{'type'}) { }
510 0 0 if ($e = "Exception::Class"->caught)
511 0 0 ref $e && $e->can('rethrow') ? :
513 0 0 if ($entity_type eq 'bareword') { }
519 0 0 $self->{'ResponseAsObjects'} ? :
535 0 25 @ret == 1 && ref $ret[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
541 0 1 if $self->tmpf