Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 62 67.7

line true false branch
24 1 14 if ($j->incr_text =~ s/^\s*\[\s*//) { }
14 0 elsif ($j->incr_text =~ s/^\s*{\s*//) { }
0 0 elsif ($j->incr_text =~ /^\s*"[a-zA-Z_]+"/) { }
67 4 470 if $done
71 412 58 if (defined $elt) { }
1 57 elsif ($@) { }
73 5 407 if ($j->incr_text =~ /^\]}\],/) { }
4 403 elsif ($elt eq 'transaction') { }
88 0 1 if ($@ =~ /already started parsing/) { }
0 1 elsif ($@ =~ /must be an object or array/ and $last_text =~ /("[^"]+")/) { }
105 12 453 $done ? :
123 84 0 unless ($current eq "PENDING")
129 8 76 if ($m and $m eq 'columns' and $current eq 'RESULTS_STREAM') { }
140 25 59 if ($@ =~ /already started parsing/ or not $m) { }
0 59 elsif ($@) { }
157 0 14 if $@
169 0 6 if $@
173 10 2 if ($j->incr_text =~ s/^\[\s*//) { }
182 8 0 if ($j->incr_text =~ s/^\[\s*//) { }
0 0 elsif ($j->incr_text eq '') { }
187 0 8 if $@
196 6 0 if ($j->incr_text =~ s/^\[\s*//) { }
0 0 elsif ($j->incr_text =~ s/^\s*\]\s*,?\s*//) { }
206 3 0 if ($current eq 'DATA_STREAM') { }
207 1 2 if ($j->incr_text =~ s/^\s*,\s*{//) { }
1 1 elsif ($j->incr_text =~ s/^\s*\]\s*,?\s*//) { }
1 0 elsif ($j->incr_text eq '') { }
235 53 2 if (defined $obj) { }
241 2 0 $done ? :
243 0 53 $done ? :
53 2 if $head