Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 32 53.1

line true false branch
30 0 5 if (blessed $source and $source->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator')) { }
0 5 elsif (blessed $source and $source->DOES('Attean::API::TripleIterator')) { }
0 5 elsif (blessed $source and $source->isa('RDF::Trine::Model')) { }
0 5 elsif (blessed $source and $source->DOES('Attean::API::TripleStore')) { }
4 1 elsif (ref $source and reftype $source eq 'HASH') { }
1 0 elsif (not ref $source) { }
42 1 0 if $@
45 0 0 if ($source =~ qr"^https?://") { }
0 0 elsif (-f $source) { }
60 5 21 @_ < 3 ? :
65 0 1 @_ < 3 ? :
70 2 0 $origin ? :
72 2 0 if (@values)
73 1 1 if ($record{$field}) { }
74 0 1 if (ref $record{$field}) { }
80 0 1 @values > 1 ? :