Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 26 57.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
52 36 1 0 not $_ =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)_([A-Z_a-z\N{U+00C0}-\N{U+00D6}\N{U+00D8}-\N{U+00F6}\N{U+00F8}-\N{U+02FF}\N{U+0370}-\N{U+037D}\N{U+037F}-\N{U+1FFF}\N{U+200C}-\N{U+200D}\N{U+2070}-\N{U+218F}\N{U+2C00}-\N{U+2FEF}\N{U+3001}-\N{U+D7FF}\N{U+F900}-\N{U+FDCF}\N{U+FDF0}-\N{U+FFFD}\N{U+10000}-\N{U+EFFFF}0-9\N{U+00B7}\N{U+0300}\N{U+036F}\N{U+203F}-\N{U+2040}-][A-Z_a-z\N{U+00C0}-\N{U+00D6}\N{U+00D8}-\N{U+00F6}\N{U+00F8}-\N{U+02FF}\N{U+0370}-\N{U+037D}\N{U+037F}-\N{U+1FFF}\N{U+200C}-\N{U+200D}\N{U+2070}-\N{U+218F}\N{U+2C00}-\N{U+2FEF}\N{U+3001}-\N{U+D7FF}\N{U+F900}-\N{U+FDCF}\N{U+FDF0}-\N{U+FFFD}\N{U+10000}-\N{U+EFFFF}]*)$/ and $_ ne 'a'
105 30 1 1 not @path and $$item{'type'} ne 'resource'
114 7 0 48 ref $_ && ref $_ eq 'ARRAY'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
74 0 0 $$_{'language'} // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
15 26 0 0 $options{'query'} // croak('query required')
16 0 26 0 $options{'ns'} // 'RDF::NS'->new
17 0 26 0 $options{'decoder'} // 'RDF::aREF::Decoder'->new('ns', $ns)
34 5 5 0 $language eq '' or $language =~ /^[a-z]{2,8}(-[a-z0-9]{1,8})*$/
119 7 4 24 @path or $$item{'type'} eq 'resource'