Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 68 86 79.0

line true false branch
16 2 5 if (not defined $options{'ns'}) { }
3 2 elsif (not $options{'ns'}) { }
2 0 elsif (not blessed($options{'ns'}) && $options{'ns'}->isa('RDF::NS')) { }
31 1 6 if ($options{'NFC'})
33 0 1 if $@
41 0 20 unless $$self{'sn'}
43 0 20 if @qname == 1
44 12 8 if @qname and $qname[1] =~ /^[A-Z_a-z\N{U+00C0}-\N{U+00D6}\N{U+00D8}-\N{U+00F6}\N{U+00F8}-\N{U+02FF}\N{U+0370}-\N{U+037D}\N{U+037F}-\N{U+1FFF}\N{U+200C}-\N{U+200D}\N{U+2070}-\N{U+218F}\N{U+2C00}-\N{U+2FEF}\N{U+3001}-\N{U+D7FF}\N{U+F900}-\N{U+FDCF}\N{U+FDF0}-\N{U+FFFD}\N{U+10000}-\N{U+EFFFF}0-9\N{U+00B7}\N{U+0300}\N{U+036F}\N{U+203F}-\N{U+2040}-][A-Z_a-z\N{U+00C0}-\N{U+00D6}\N{U+00D8}-\N{U+00F6}\N{U+00F8}-\N{U+02FF}\N{U+0370}-\N{U+037D}\N{U+037F}-\N{U+1FFF}\N{U+200C}-\N{U+200D}\N{U+2070}-\N{U+218F}\N{U+2C00}-\N{U+2FEF}\N{U+3001}-\N{U+D7FF}\N{U+F900}-\N{U+FDCF}\N{U+FDF0}-\N{U+FFFD}\N{U+10000}-\N{U+EFFFF}]*$/
51 7 3 if (my $qname = $self->qname($uri)) { }
62 1 8 if (not reftype $subject) { }
2 6 elsif (reftype $subject eq 'HASH') { }
6 0 elsif (reftype $subject eq 'ARRAY') { }
66 2 0 if ($$subject{'type'} eq 'uri' or $$subject{'type'} eq 'bnode')
71 6 0 if (@$subject == 2)
72 5 1 if ($$subject[0] eq 'URI') { }
1 0 elsif ($$subject[0] eq 'BLANK') { }
86 2 9 if (not reftype $predicate) { }
2 7 elsif (reftype $predicate eq 'HASH' and $$predicate{'type'} eq 'uri') { }
7 0 elsif (reftype $predicate eq 'ARRAY') { }
93 6 1 @$predicate == 2 && $$predicate[0] eq 'URI' ? :
99 3 8 if (not defined $predicate) { }
2 6 elsif ($predicate eq '') { }
2 4 elsif (my $qname = $self->qname($predicate)) { }
115 1 15 if (not reftype $object) { }
9 6 elsif (reftype $object eq 'HASH') { }
6 0 elsif (reftype $object eq 'ARRAY') { }
119 5 4 if ($$object{'type'} eq 'literal') { }
1 3 elsif ($$object{'type'} eq 'bnode') { }
128 3 3 if (@$object != 2) { }
2 1 elsif ($$object[0] eq 'URI') { }
1 0 elsif ($$object[0] eq 'BLANK') { }
141 0 10 if ($$self{'NFC'})
144 5 5 if ($language) { }
3 2 elsif ($datatype) { }
154 4 1 $_[1] =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/ ? :
166 2 2 if (not keys %$aref || $$self{'subject_map'}) { }
1 1 elsif ($$aref{'_id'}) { }
171 0 1 if ($$aref{'_id'} eq $subject and not $$self{'subject_map'}) { }
180 1 0 if ($s eq $subject) { }
188 0 1 if ($$aref{$subject}) { }
201 0 1 if (ref $$map{$predicate}) { }
0 1 elsif (defined $$map{$predicate}) { }
221 0 4 $s =~ /^_:/ ? :