Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 21 52 40.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
76 124 0 8 $dta =~ /$datetype/ && $dtb =~ /$datetype/
77 83 0 49 $nodea->is_numeric_type && $nodeb->is_numeric_type
83 0 0 8 $datea and $dateb
98 74 1 0 $nodea->has_language and $nodeb->has_language
75 0 0 $nodea->has_datatype and $dta eq ''
74 1 0 $nodeb->has_datatype and $dtb eq ''
75 0 0 $nodea->has_datatype and $nodeb->has_datatype
103 0 0 0 $LAZY_COMPARISONS and $lc != 0
117 0 0 0 &blessed($b) && $b->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
73 57 75 $nodea->literal_datatype || ''
74 58 74 $nodeb->literal_datatype || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
98 0 0 75 $nodea->has_datatype and $dta eq '' or $nodeb->has_datatype and $dtb eq ''
1 2 72 $nodea->has_language or $nodeb->has_language
0 1 71 $nodea->has_datatype or $nodeb->has_datatype
104 0 0 0 $vc || $lc
125 0 0 0 not $nb->has_datatype or $nb->literal_datatype eq ''
146 0 0 0 $vc || $dc
241 0 0 0 $self->has_language || $self->has_datatype