Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 52 63.4

line true false branch
78 85 135 unless (&blessed($uri) and $uri->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Resource'))
117 77 71 if ($uri =~ /^(sop|sparql):(in|notin|str|strdt|strlang|if|iri|uri|bnode|lang|langmatches|sameTerm|datatype|regex|bound|is(URI|IRI|Blank|Literal))/i) { }
146 4 0 $uri =~ /^(sop|sparql):(logical-and|logical-or|in|notin|str|strdt|strlang|if|iri|uri|bnode|lang|langmatches|sameTerm|datatype|regex|bound|is(URI|IRI|Blank|Literal))/i ? :
148 0 4 if ($func eq 'IN' or $func eq 'NOT IN') { }
0 4 elsif ($func eq '||' or $func eq '&&') { }
197 0 0 if (&blessed($arg) and $arg->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra')) { }
0 0 elsif (&blessed($arg) and $arg->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Resource')) { }
201 0 0 if (ref $uri) { }
203 0 0 unless (exists $ns->{$n})
235 28 326 if ($uriv =~ /^sparql:logical-(.+)$/ or $uriv =~ /^sparql:(not)?in$/ or $uriv eq 'sparql:coalesce') { }
0 326 elsif ($uriv =~ /^sparql:if$/) { }
4 322 elsif ($uriv eq 'sparql:exists') { }
242 11 50 unless &blessed($value)
248 8 30 $value->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Variable') ? :
12 38 $value->isa('RDF::Query::Expression') ? :
266 0 0 $value->literal_value eq 'true' ? :
267 0 0 if ($bool)
273 0 0 if ($ok) { }
284 233 89 ref $query ? :
285 217 105 if (&blessed($context))
290 233 89 if (ref $query) { }
297 114 79 $_->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Variable') ? :
116 193 $_->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra') ? :
305 2 100 $_->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Variable') ? :
1 102 $_->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra') ? :
311 0 322 unless ($func)