Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 48 25.0

line true false branch
15 0 10 unless @_ > 1
26 0 0 unless @_ > 1
40 0 0 if (not $subj or $subj eq $$_[0])
41 0 0 if (not $verb or $verb eq $$_[1])
42 0 0 if (not $obj or $obj eq $$_[2])
43 0 0 if (not $context or $context eq $$_[3])
59 0 0 if (not $subj or $subj eq $$_[0])
60 0 0 if (not $verb or $verb eq $$_[1])
61 0 0 if (not $obj or $obj eq $$_[2])
62 0 0 if (not $context or $context eq $$_[3])
88 0 0 if ($$t[3] eq $c)
91 0 0 unless grep(($_ eq $$t[0]), @tri_seq)
104 0 0 if ($i == $#pred and $j == @{$$tri_tree{$s}{$pred[$i]};} - 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($j == @{$$tri_tree{$s}{$pred[$i]};} - 1) { }
122 0 1 if (not $pref =~ /^[_a-zA-Z]\w*/) { }
0 1 elsif (not $uri =~ /^(?:[_a-zA-Z]\w*)?:[a-zA-Z]\w*$|^[^\{\}<>]*$/) { }
136 1 2 if ($rs =~ /^<[^\{\}<>]*>$/) { }
1 1 elsif ($rs =~ /^(?:[_a-zA-Z]\w*)?:[a-zA-Z]\w*$/) { }
1 0 elsif ($rs =~ /^"(?:\\"|[^\"])*"$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($rs =~ /^"""(.*)"""$/) { }
143 1 2 if $rs =~ /^$_:(.*)$/ and $bound = 1
145 0 1 unless $bound
149 0 1 unless $type eq 'l'
153 0 0 unless $type eq 'l'