Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 21 45 46.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
171 0 0 0 $i < $max and $deleted == 0
189 0 0 0 $i < $max and $deleted == 0
357 0 21 1 scalar @{$semCat;} == 1 and exists $self->semanticCorrespondance->{$self->language}{'CONST'}{$$semCat[0]}
0 20 1 scalar @{$semCat;} == 1 and $$semCat[0] eq 'STRING'
0 19 1 scalar @{$semCat;} == 1 and $$semCat[0] eq 'REGEX'
0 19 0 scalar @{$semCat;} == 1 and $$semCat[0] eq 'conjunction'
359 1 0 8 exists $self->semanticCorrespondance->{$self->language}{'RESOURCE'}{$$semCat[0] . '/' . $$semCat[1]}{'CORRESP'} and exists $self->semanticCorrespondance->{$self->language}{'RESOURCE'}{$$semCat[0] . '/' . $$semCat[1]}{'CORRESP'}{$$semCat[$#$semCat - 1]}
482 0 8 11 not exists $viewedPredicates{$$semCat[0]} and exists $self->semanticCorrespondance->{$self->language}{'PREDICATE'}{$$semCat[0]}
534 0 1 5 $delete == 0 and $offset <= $$term{'end_offset'}
900 0 9 0 $i < scalar @{$self->_sortedSemanticUnits;} and not $found
914 294 0 0 $self->verbose > 0 and $self->verbose >= $level

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
610 2 0 14 $semf2 eq $$rule{'CTXT'} or index($semf2, $$rule{'CTXT'} . ':') == 0
2 0 14 $semf2 eq $$rule{'CTXT'} or index($semf2, $$rule{'CTXT'} . ':') == 0 or index($semf2, $$rule{'CTXT'} . '/') == 0
0 0 14 $semf2 eq $$rule{'CTXT'} or index($semf2, $$rule{'CTXT'} . ':') == 0 or index($semf2, $$rule{'CTXT'} . '/') == 0 or index($semf2, ':' . $$rule{'CTXT'}) > 0
774 0 0 3 $$tmpTerm{'start_offset'} < $$largerTerm{'start_offset'} or $$largerTerm{'end_offset'} < $$tmpTerm{'end_offset'}