Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 22 72.7

line true false branch
241 10 3 if ($self->has_level and $self->level > 0)
257 7 6 if ($frag)
310 13 0 if ($self->has_urispace)
316 1 12 if $self->has_level and $self->level == 0
321 0 12 if $self->has_level and $self->level == 0
326 12 0 if $self->has_stats
328 8 4 if $self->has_level and $self->level <= 1
343 0 48 unless $self->has_stats
354 0 4 unless $self->has_stats
369 23 3 if ($counts->{'countsubjects'})
385 0 4 unless $self->has_stats