Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 65 148 43.9

line true false branch
160 2 0 if (&blessed($arg) and $arg->isa('RDF::Trine::Model')) { }
167 0 0 unless ($store)
172 0 0 unless ($model)
178 0 2 unless ($config->{'endpoint'})
182 0 0 if ($config->{'endpoint'}{'load_data'} and $config->{'endpoint'}{'update'})
208 2 8 unless exists $config->{'resource_links'}
215 0 10 if defined $response->headers->header('Server')
218 0 10 unless ($req->path eq $endpoint_path)
223 0 0 if (-r $file) { }
224 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
241 1 9 if (my $t = $req->param('media-type'))
250 0 10 if (not $req->method =~ /^(GET|POST)$/i) { }
0 10 elsif (defined $ct and $ct eq 'application/sparql-query') { }
0 10 elsif (defined $ct and $ct eq 'application/sparql-update') { }
5 5 elsif ($req->param('query')) { }
2 3 elsif ($req->param('update')) { }
263 0 0 if ($config->{'endpoint'}{'update'} and $req->method eq 'POST')
268 0 5 if (scalar @sparql > 1) { }
281 0 2 if (scalar @sparql > 1)
291 2 0 if ($config->{'endpoint'}{'update'} and $req->method eq 'POST') { }
0 0 elsif ($req->method ne 'POST') { }
308 7 3 if ($sparql) { }
0 3 elsif ($req->method eq 'POST') { }
310 3 4 if $config->{'endpoint'}{'update'} and $req->method eq 'POST'
311 0 7 if $config->{'endpoint'}{'load_data'}
316 0 7 if (scalar @default or scalar @named)
332 0 7 if (scalar @named or scalar @default)
341 0 7 if (length $match)
342 0 0 if (defined $etag and $etag eq $match)
351 7 0 if ($query) { }
352 0 7 if ($protocol_specifies_update_dataset and $query->specifies_update_dataset)
366 7 0 if ($iter) { }
368 7 0 if (defined $etag)
369 7 0 unless ($etag =~ /"/)
372 7 0 if ($etag =~ qr#^(W/)?"[\x{21}\x{23}-\x{7e}\x{80}-\x{FF}]*"$#) { }
378 0 7 if ($iter->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph')) { }
382 0 0 if $type =~ /html/
383 0 0 $type =~ m[application/rdf[+]xml] ? :
387 0 0 if (not $stype =~ /html/ and my $sclass = $RDF::Trine::Serializer::media_types{$stype}) { }
409 1 6 if ($stype =~ /html/) { }
6 0 elsif ($stype =~ /xml/) { }
0 0 elsif ($stype =~ /json/) { }
439 0 0 $content =~ /Syntax/ ? :
440 0 0 if ($req->method ne 'POST' and $content =~ /read-only queries/ms) { }
465 0 33 if $type =~ /html/
471 1 2 if (not $stype =~ /html/ and my $sclass = $RDF::Trine::Serializer::media_types{$stype}) { }
497 10 0 if ($ae{'gzip'}) { }
500 0 10 if (ref $content) { }
511 10 0 unless $req->method eq 'HEAD'
514 0 0 ref $content ? :
517 0 0 unless $req->method eq 'HEAD'
545 3 2 if (exists $self->{'sd_cache'})
547 3 0 if (defined $cached_etag and $etag eq $cached_etag)
570 2 0 if ($config->{'endpoint'}{'update'})
573 0 2 if ($config->{'endpoint'}{'load_data'})
594 2 0 if (my $d = $config->{'endpoint'}{'service_description'}{'default'})
595 0 2 $d =~ /^\w+:/ ? :
601 2 0 if ($config->{'endpoint'}{'service_description'}{'named_graphs'})
616 0 2 if (my $software = $config->{'endpoint'}{'service_description'}{'software'})
620 0 2 if (my $related = $config->{'endpoint'}{'service_description'}{'related'})
626 0 2 if (my $namespaces = $config->{'endpoint'}{'service_description'}{'namespaces'})
655 1 0 if (-r $file) { }
656 0 1 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
683 0 1 if ($stream->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator::Boolean')) { }
1 0 elsif ($stream->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings')) { }
684 0 0 $stream->get_boolean ? :
722 0 0 if ($iter->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph')) { }
759 0 9 unless &blessed($node)
760 6 3 if ($node->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Resource')) { }
2 1 elsif ($node->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Literal')) { }
768 0 6 if ($config->{'endpoint'}{'html'}{'embed_images'}) { }
769 0 0 if ($model->count_statements($node, iri(''), iri(''))) { }
778 6 0 if ($link)
842 0 0 if ($stype eq 'application/json-problem') { }