Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 83 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
347 0 0 $ctype and 7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
367 0 0 0 $$element{'resource'} and __trim($$element{'text'})
370 0 0 0 $$element{'datatype'} and $uri
729 0 0 0 scalar __slice($element, $aboutset) and $$element{'nodeid'}
769 0 0 0 $parent and $$parent{'type'} != 1
863 0 0 0 $ctype and $ctype & 7
877 0 0 0 $$self{'path'}[-1] and $$self{'path'}[-1]{'type'} == 4096
910 0 0 0 not $string =~ /^\s*$/s and $$elt{'type'} != 64

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
145 0 0 $1 || ''
197 0 0 $2 || ''
307 0 0 $self->_findLang || ''
377 0 0 $$element{'datatype'} || ''
0 0 $self->_findLang($element) || ''
1029 0 0 $$self{'bnode'} || 'a'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
106 0 0 0 ref $class || $class
202 0 0 0 $$element{'uri'} || ($$element{'uri'} = $self->_getImplicitURI($$element{'nodeid'}))
227 0 0 0 $$subject{'bagid'} or $stmt
228 0 0 0 $stmt || $self->_getImplicitURI
504 0 0 0 $subject || $self
631 0 0 0 $pt == 2 or $pt == 1024
633 0 0 0 $ct & 1054 or $ct == 1
655 0 0 0 $ct == 0 or $ct & 1054
672 0 0 0 $ruri or %$attrs
674 0 0 0 $$ce{'resource'} ||= $self->_getImplicitURI($$ce{'nodeid'})
722 0 0 0 $et == 2 or $et == 1024
0 0 0 $et == 128 or $et == 256
0 0 0 $et == 128 or $et == 256 or $et == 4096
723 0 0 0 scalar __slice($element, $allset) or %$attrs
738 0 0 0 scalar __slice($element, $inverseset2) or %$attrs
743 0 0 0 scalar __slice($element, $inverseset3) or %$attrs