Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 86 116 74.1

line true false branch
108 0 7 if (defined &{$caller_package . '::PROFILE';}) { }
109 0 0 if $ENV{'PROFILE_LOG_DEBUG'}
118 1 4 if (-e $config_file) { }
119 0 1 if $ENV{'PROFILE_LOG_DEBUG'}
132 2 5 if ($$config{'modules'} and $$config{'modules'}{$caller_package})
135 1 6 if ($$config{'files'} and $$config{'files'}{$filename})
141 0 7 if $ENV{'PROFILE_LOG_DEBUG'}
174 8 2 if (@_) { }
182 2 30 if (not $state and $k ne '0') { }
8 22 elsif (not $state and $k eq '0') { }
8 14 elsif ($state eq 'tot') { }
14 0 elsif ($state eq 'times') { }
196 4 10 if ($k =~ /m(\d+):(.*)/) { }
198 1 3 if ($m >= $$self{'mc'}) { }
244 0 7 unless my($syslog_line, $logline) = $line =~ /^(.*?)(\S[^=\s]*=[^;]*;\s.*)$/
261 1 6 unless ($timelocal_ready)
276 0 7 $mon > $m ? :
285 7 0 if (my($syslog_date, $hostname, $process, $comment) = $syslog_header =~ /^(\w+ \s+ \d+ \s+ \d+:\d+:\d+) \s+ # syslog date (\w+) \s+ # hostname (?: (\S+?) (?:\[\d+\])? : \s* )? # process name, PID (?: (\S.*?) \s* )? $ # extra comment /x)
295 0 7 if $comment
297 7 0 if ($$self{'0'}[0] < 604800)
309 3 4 if ($proposed_time > $syslog_localtime)
321 0 7 if ($$self{'m'})
336 0 8 if $$t[0] < 0
367 0 7 if $event =~ /\s/
369 3 4 if (@_) { }
393 0 1 if $mark =~ /\s/
418 3 1 if $$self{'tag'}
434 0 23 if ($delta < 0) { }
475 0 17 if $title =~ /[\s=;]/
478 16 1 if (@_) { }
534 0 0 if ($a[0] > 864000 and $b[0] > 864000) { }
539 0 0 if $diff < -43200
540 0 0 if $diff > 43200
577 0 1 unless $$self{'m'}
579 0 1 wantarray ? :
624 21 6 unless $i == -1 or $i * 2 + 1 > $#{$$self{'t'};}
626 12 15 if ($i * 2 <= $#{$$self{'t'};} and $$self{'t'}[2 * $i] =~ /^m(\d+)/)
628 9 3 if (exists $m[$1]) { }
638 27 52 if ($method eq 'next') { }
9 43 elsif ($method eq 'start') { }
9 34 elsif ($method eq 'length') { }
34 0 elsif ($method eq 'name') { }
640 21 6 if (2 * $i < $#{$$self{'t'};}) { }
3 3 elsif (2 * $i == $#{$$self{'t'};} + 1) { }
653 1 8 if $i == -1
655 1 7 if 2 * $i == $#{$$self{'t'};} + 1
659 2 32 if $i == -1
660 4 28 if 2 * $i == $#{$$self{'t'};} + 1
681 1 1 if ($mark ne '0')
685 0 0 unless $$self{'m'}
686 0 1 unless defined $m
694 10 27 if ($method eq 'next') { }
9 18 elsif ($method eq 'name') { }
713 1 1 if defined $m
738 4 0 if blessed($_[0])
761 4 25 if blessed($_[0])
763 4 25 if (@_ == 2 or ref $_[0]) { }
770 23 6 wantarray ? :