Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 90 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
412 0 0 0 $key =~ /time$/ and $proc->{$key} =~ /\.0*$/
0 0 0 $key =~ /time$/ and $proc->{$key} =~ /\.0*$/ and $self->{'zero_time'}
422 0 0 0 $key =~ /flt$/ and $proc->{$key} eq 0
0 0 0 $key =~ /flt$/ and $proc->{$key} eq 0 and $self->{'zero_flt'}
463 0 0 0 $^O =~ /linux/ and $? eq 256
507 0 0 0 $line_split[2] =~ /^txt$/ and not $self->{'txt'}
0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /^[Pp][Ii][Pp][Ee]$/ and not $self->{'pipe'}
0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /^[Uu][Nn][Ii][Xx]$/ and not $self->{'unix'}
0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /^[Vv][Rr][Ee][Gg]$/ and $line_split[7] =~ m[^/$]
0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /^[Vv][Rr][Ee][Gg]$/ and $line_split[7] =~ m[^/$] and not $self->{'vregroot'}
782 0 0 0 $mem >= '10000' and $mem < '1000000'
0 0 0 $mem >= '1000000' and $mem < '1000000000'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
463 0 0 0 $? eq 0 or $^O =~ /linux/ and $? eq 256
507 0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /^IPv/ or $line_split[2] =~ /^txt$/ and not $self->{'txt'}
0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /^IPv/ or $line_split[2] =~ /^txt$/ and not $self->{'txt'} or $line_split[3] =~ /^[Pp][Ii][Pp][Ee]$/ and not $self->{'pipe'}
0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /^IPv/ or $line_split[2] =~ /^txt$/ and not $self->{'txt'} or $line_split[3] =~ /^[Pp][Ii][Pp][Ee]$/ and not $self->{'pipe'} or $line_split[3] =~ /^[Uu][Nn][Ii][Xx]$/ and not $self->{'unix'}
0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /^IPv/ or $line_split[2] =~ /^txt$/ and not $self->{'txt'} or $line_split[3] =~ /^[Pp][Ii][Pp][Ee]$/ and not $self->{'pipe'} or $line_split[3] =~ /^[Uu][Nn][Ii][Xx]$/ and not $self->{'unix'} or $line_split[3] =~ /^[Vv][Rr][Ee][Gg]$/ and $line_split[7] =~ m[^/$] and not $self->{'vregroot'}
538 0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /[Vv][Rr][Ee][Gg]/ or $line_split[3] =~ /[Vv][Dd][Ii][Dd]/
0 0 0 $line_split[3] =~ /[Vv][Rr][Ee][Gg]/ or $line_split[3] =~ /[Vv][Dd][Ii][Dd]/ or $line_split[3] =~ /[Vv][Cc][Hh][Rr]/
543 0 0 0 $line_split[2] =~ /u/ or $line_split[2] =~ /rw/
0 0 0 $line_split[2] =~ /u/ or $line_split[2] =~ /rw/ or $line_split[2] =~ /wr/
0 0 0 not $line_split[2] =~ /u/ or $line_split[2] =~ /r/
0 0 0 not $line_split[2] =~ /u/ or $line_split[2] =~ /w/
596 0 0 0 $line->[1] =~ /[Vv][Rr][Ee][Gg]/ or $line->[1] =~ /[Vv][Dd][Ii][Dd]/
0 0 0 $line->[1] =~ /[Vv][Rr][Ee][Gg]/ or $line->[1] =~ /[Vv][Dd][Ii][Dd]/ or $line->[1] =~ /[Vv][Cc][Hh][Rr]/
602 0 0 0 $line->[0] =~ /u/ or $line->[0] =~ /rw/
0 0 0 $line->[0] =~ /u/ or $line->[0] =~ /rw/ or $line->[0] =~ /wr/
0 0 0 not $line->[0] =~ /u/ or $line->[0] =~ /r/
0 0 0 not $line->[0] =~ /u/ or $line->[0] =~ /w/
757 0 0 0 $hours > 0 or $minutes > 0