Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 64 42.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
281 0 0 0 $size and $size > 102400
294 7 0 0 -e $rdir and not -d $rdir
430 60 0 0 $_debugfh and $fd == fileno $_debugfh
486 2 0 4 $_unix_grandch_pid and kill 0, $_unix_grandch_pid
2 1 3 $_unix_grandch_pid and kill 0, $_unix_grandch_pid and time < $maxtime
499 2 0 1 $_unix_grandch_pid and kill 0, $_unix_grandch_pid
568 0 1 1 kill -15, $p and select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2), kill(-3, $p)
572 2 0 0 kill 15, $p and select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2), kill(3, $p)
616 0 0 0 $d =~ /^PPC-/ and -f "$sdir/$d/info"
760 0 0 15 $psd and -d $psd
820 0 0 0 $key and $i->{$key} ne $val

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
256 0 7 $opthash{'nannyname'} ||= 'ppc-nanny'
257 0 7 $opthash{'closefdmax'} ||= 12
451 1 2 $opt->{'psynctime'} || 10
667 1 1 $ret{'psynctime'} || 10
778 5 4 $opt->{'psynctime'} || 10

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
309 0 0 0 $clf ||= (caller())[1]
326 0 0 3 not $pid or $pid <= 0
766 0 15 0 $opt->{'nannyname'} ||= $self->{'_opts'}{'nannyname'}
781 9 0 9 -e $psd . '/start' or -e $psd . '/fail'
937 2 0 0 rename $source, $target or move($source, $target)
2 0 0 rename $source, $target or move($source, $target) or Proc::PersistentControl::debug("rename/1st move($source, $target) failed, trying again"), select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2), move($source, $target)
0 0 0 rename $source, $target or move($source, $target) or Proc::PersistentControl::debug("rename/1st move($source, $target) failed, trying again"), select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2), move($source, $target) or Proc::PersistentControl::debug("2nd move($source, $target) failed, trying again"), select(undef, undef, undef, 0.8), move($source, $target)