Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 44 72.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
277 0 0 28 $ch and defined $$o{$ch}
331 0 0 727 defined $$r{$key} and defined $value
369 0 0 1 exists $$o{$key} and ref $aref eq 'ARRAY'
528 8 226 0 defined $$opt{'auto'} && ref $$opt{'auto'} ne 'ARRAY'
810 0 41 787 $$o{'rel'} and $prev
825 0 3 13 $$o{'rel'} and $prev
837 0 64 1496 $$o{'rel'} and $prev
840 321 314 861 $new eq $old and $old ne ''
910 354 2 14 $$o{'use_line'} and $$o{'locolor'} < 0
911 354 2 14 $$o{'use_point'} and $$o{'pocolor'} < 0
912 16 150 204 $$o{'use_bar'} and $$o{'bocolor'} < 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
826 13 0 $$o{$name} || ''
827 13 0 $$prev{$name} || ''
838 1182 314 str($$o{$name}) || ''
839 1181 315 str($$prev{$name}) || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
320 14 10 727 $key eq 'color' or $key eq 'gray'