Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 56 66.0

line true false branch
18 1 1 unless $PostScript::EPSF::EPSF_PROLOG_DONE++
62 0 2 unless open EPS, $file
66 2 514 if (/^%%BoundingBox:\s*(.*)/) { }
144 370 elsif (/^\s*%/ or /^\s*$/) { }
75 0 2 unless defined $ury
86 1 1 if (my $width = delete $para{'width'})
90 0 2 if (my $height = delete $para{'height'})
94 1 1 if (my $scale = delete $para{'scale'})
96 2 0 unless $_
100 0 2 if $yscale and not $xscale
101 1 1 if $xscale and not $yscale
103 2 0 if ($xscale)
108 2 0 if (my $pos = delete $para{'pos'})
116 1 1 if ($anchor =~ /w/) { }
1 0 elsif ($anchor =~ /e/) { }
123 0 2 if ($anchor =~ /s/) { }
1 1 elsif ($anchor =~ /n/) { }
137 0 2 if ($^W and %para)
146 2 0 if ($rotate or $xscale or $clip or $background) { }
148 1 1 if $rotate
149 2 0 if ($clip or $background)
154 0 2 if ($boarder)
162 2 0 if $clip
163 1 1 if ($background)
168 2 0 if $xscale
207 1 0 if ($color =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/)
208 0 1 if $color > 1
212 0 0 if ($color =~ /^\#([0-9a-f]+)$/ and length($1) % 3 == 0)