Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 66 71.2

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
110 1 2 $ws_before &&= ' '
111 0 3 $ws_after &&= ' '

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
66 141 0 0 blessed $dom and $dom->isa('Positron::Environment')
223 1 1 21 $quant ne '-' and $quant ne '*'
325 0 2 4 $handler->isa('Positron::Handler::ArrayRef') and not ref $$env_contents[0]
374 0 0 12 $handler->isa('Positron::Handler::ArrayRef') and not ref $$env_contents[0]
420 3 3 3 !$keep && $quant ne '-'
515 10 1 4 $value eq '' and not $last_changing_quant eq '+'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
35 0 11 $options{'dom'} // undef
0 11 $options{'env'} // undef
11 0 'Positron::Environment'->new($options{'env'} // undef, {'immutable', 1}) // undef
0 11 ($options{'handler'} || _handler_for($options{'dom'})) // undef
105 77 4 Positron::Expression::evaluate($expr, $environment) // ''
180 204 219 $sigil //= ''
211 31 0 Positron::Expression::evaluate($tail, $environment) || []
249 12 3 Positron::Expression::evaluate($expr, $environment) // ''
257 38 14 Positron::Expression::evaluate($tail, $environment) // ''
401 24 0 $environment->get(':') || []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
35 0 0 11 $options{'handler'} || _handler_for($options{'dom'})
66 0 0 141 ref $dom eq 'HASH' or blessed $dom and $dom->isa('Positron::Environment')
84 109 9 0 $$self{'handler'} //= _handler_for($dom)
234 8 3 12 $truth && $quant ne '-' || $quant eq '+'
236 10 2 11 $truth or $quant eq '*'
260 9 6 37 $goal eq $test || $tail =~ / \A \s* \z /msx
272 30 0 45 $truth && $quant ne '-' || $quant eq '+'
273 30 0 45 $truth or $quant eq '*'