Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 194 28.8

line true false branch
496 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_format'} =~ /html|text|reference|codetext|codehtml/
497 0 2 unless -e $$podwikitext{'_infile'}
498 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_useheader'} =~ /yes|no/
499 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_usefooter'} =~ /yes|no/
500 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_toc'} =~ /yes|no/
501 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_navigation'} =~ /yes|no/
502 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_borders'} =~ /yes|no/
503 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_codelabels'} =~ /yes|no/
504 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_usesvg'} =~ /yes|no/
505 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_startinpod'} =~ /yes|no/
506 0 2 unless $$podwikitext{'_debug'} =~ /yes|no/
514 2 0 if ($$podwikitext{'_borders'} eq 'yes')
518 0 2 if ($$podwikitext{'_debug'} eq 'yes')
547 0 0 if (defined $$self{$key})
575 0 0 if (is_valid_param($key)) { }
610 0 0 unless $$toce{'line'} =~ /^!1 /
670 0 0 if ($$toce{'line'} =~ /^!1 /)
672 0 0 if ($title eq $section)
702 0 1 if ($debug)
704 1 0 if ($$self{'_format'} eq 'html')
707 0 1 if ($$self{'_format'} eq 'text')
710 0 1 if ($$self{'_format'} eq 'reference')
713 0 1 if ($$self{'_format'} eq 'codetext')
716 0 1 if ($$self{'_format'} eq 'codehtml')
749 0 0 if ($key =~ /format|section|infile|outfile|author|title|header|useheader| footer|usefooter|toc|navigation|borders|wrapcol|startinpod| linkback|debug|outdir/x)
827 0 1 if ($infile =~ /\.pl$|\.pm$/)
832 1 0 if ($infile =~ /\.txt$|\.wiki$/)
838 0 1 if ($$self{'_startinpod'} eq 'yes')
846 0 1 unless open my $fh, '<', $infile
851 0 24 if (/$beginfold/)
855 0 24 if (/$endfold/)
861 0 24 if (m[^\#\#(\@\@|\$\$|//)])
866 0 24 if (/^\#\#:/)
871 5 19 if (/^\#\#([a-z]+):(.*)/)
880 1 18 if (/^=begin wiki/)
881 0 18 if (/^=cut/)
884 4 14 if (/^!([1-4]{1,1}) /)
898 1 3 if ($toc_level == 1)
915 0 14 if (/\\$|\\\s+$/) { }
932 0 1 if ($prevtoc > 0)
943 0 1 if ($$self{'_debug'} eq 'yes')
965 0 1 if ($$self{'_section'}) { }
970 0 1 if ($debug)
975 1 0 if ($$self{'_toc'} eq 'yes' and not $$self{'_section'})
1002 0 0 if ($$self{'_section'}) { }
1007 0 0 if ($debug)
1044 0 0 if ($debug)
1052 0 0 if ($ispod++) { }
1053 0 0 unless ($podblock)
1063 0 0 if ($podblock)
1075 0 0 unless ($podblock)
1085 0 0 if ($$self{'_toc'})
1113 0 0 if ($$self{'_section'}) { }
1118 0 0 if ($debug)
1143 0 0 if ($$self{'_section'}) { }
1148 0 0 if ($debug)
1184 18 0 if ($inpod[$i++]) { }
1185 4 14 if ($line =~ /^(\d{5,5}):!(\d){1,1} /)
1189 0 4 if ($level == 1 and $$self{'_navigation'} eq 'yes')
1197 0 0 if ($nextkey > 0)
1201 0 0 if ($prevkey > 0)
1241 0 0 if ($inpod[$i++])
1242 0 0 if ($line =~ /^(\d{5,5}):!(\d){1,1} /)
1246 0 0 if ($level == 1 and $line eq $section)
1252 0 0 if ($level == 1 and $insection)
1256 0 0 if ($insection)
1279 1 0 if ($$self{'_useheader'})
1283 1 0 if ($$self{'_usefooter'})
1322 0 1 if ($$self{'_outdir'})
1325 0 1 if ($outfile =~ /stdout/i) { }
1328 0 1 unless open my $fh, '>', $outfile
1372 4 0 if ($level > $plevel)
1379 0 4 if ($level == $plevel)
1382 0 4 if ($level < $plevel)
1423 0 0 unless open $db, '>', $file
1431 0 0 unless open $db, '>', $file
1445 0 0 unless open $db, '>', $file
1463 0 0 unless open $db, '>', $file
1493 0 0 unless open $db, '>', $file
1501 0 0 unless open $db, '>', $file
1530 0 0 if (length $key > $width)
1535 0 0 if (defined $docinfo{$key}) { }
1542 0 0 if (defined $$self{'_' . $key}) { }
1645 1 0 if ($$self{'_usesvg'} eq 'yes') { }
1646 0 1 if ($$html =~ /##CM##/)
1808 0 0 unless $language
1823 0 0 if ($language eq 'PlainText')
1828 0 0 if (!$$self{'_format'} eq 'html')
1862 0 0 if ($language =~ /INI FILES|INIFILE|INIFILES|INI_FILES/i)
1865 0 0 if ($language =~ /SQL|SQLPLUS/i)
1932 0 0 if ($$self{'_format'} eq 'codehtml') { }
1959 0 0 if ($$self{'_codelabels'} eq 'yes')
2135 0 0 if ($line =~ /^ % language/)
2136 0 0 if ($line =~ /^ %%/)
2141 0 0 if (length $line > $len) { }
2306 0 0 if ($dir)
2309 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', $svgfile