Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 12 17 70.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
734 0 131 1 $command eq 'for' and $details =~ /\s+ignore\s*$/
741 0 0 131 $subcommand and $command eq 'for'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
940 1449 30 $$self{'pod_snippets_names_in_scope'} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
307 0 22 8 ref $source eq 'GLOB' or eval { do { $source->can('getline') } }
578 5 26 0 $$self{'merged_snippets'} ||= do { my @snippets; foreach my $snip (@{$$self{'unmerged_snippets'};}) { if (not defined $snip) { push @snippets, undef if defined $snippets[-1]; } elsif (not @snippets) { push @snippets, $snip; } elsif (not defined $snippets[-1]) { $snippets[-1] = $snip; } else { my $prevstartline = $snippets[-1]->line; my $newlines_to_add = $snip->line - $prevstartline - _number_of_newlines_in($snippets[-1]); if ($newlines_to_add < 0) { my $filename = $self->filename; warn "Pod::Snippets: problem counting newlines at $filename\nnear line $prevstartline (trying to skip $newlines_to_add lines)\nOutput will be desynchronized.\n"; $newlines_to_add = 0; } ; $snippets[-1] = $snippets[-1] . $/ x $newlines_to_add . $snip; } ; } ; pop @snippets unless defined $snippets[-1]; foreach my $i (0 .. $#snippets) { my $text = "$snippets[$i]"; my $line = $snippets[$i]->line; my $nl = $/; while ($text =~ s/^\s*$nl//) { ++$line; } ; $text =~ s/(^\s*$nl)*\Z//m; $snippets[$i] = 'Pod::Snippets::_Snippet'->new($line, $text, $snippets[$i]->names_set); } ; \@snippets }
906 3 4 13 not defined $severity or $severity eq 'ignore'