Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 83 94 88.3

line true false branch
307 8 22 unless ref $source eq 'GLOB' or eval { do { $source->can('getline') } }
321 28 50 if ($k eq '-named_snippets') { }
1 49 elsif ($k eq '-line') { }
322 16 12 if ($v eq 'strict') { }
4 8 elsif ($v =~ /^ignore_(.*)/) { }
4 4 elsif ($v =~ /^error_(.*)/) { }
4 0 elsif ($v =~ /^warn(ing)?_(.*)/) { }
342 8 22 if ($$self{'filename'}) { }
390 22 13 unless (shift())->{'filename'}
486 0 64 unless s/^ //gm
490 9 17 wantarray ? :
517 0 5 wantarray ? :
535 389 63 unless not defined $_
538 1 16 unless grep {defined $_;} @snippets_with_this_name
539 57 7 exists $$self{$_} ? :
559 1 48 if (shift())->errors
581 59 83 if (not defined $snip) { }
26 57 elsif (not @snippets) { }
1 56 elsif (not defined $snippets[-1]) { }
582 11 48 if defined $snippets[-1]
592 0 56 if ($newlines_to_add < 0)
606 10 16 unless defined $snippets[-1]
720 612 147 unless $command =~ /^(for|begin|end)/
723 12 135 unless my($details) = $paragraph =~ /\A\s*$$self{-'pod_snippets_markup'}(.*)$/m
728 3 132 unless ($details)
729 1 2 if $command eq 'for'
734 1 131 if ($command eq 'for' and $details =~ /\s+ignore\s*$/)
739 131 0 if (my($snipname, $subcommand) = $details =~ /^ \s+ (?: "(.*?)" ) \s* (begin|end)?/x)
741 131 0 if $subcommand and $command eq 'for'
742 68 63 if ($command eq 'begin') { }
63 0 elsif ($command eq 'end') { }
771 1 292 if $self->ignoring_pod_snippets
805 5 1109 if $self->in_named_pod_snippet
807 48 1066 unless not defined $$self{'pod_snippets'}[-1]
826 1542 13 if @value
869 0 5 if (@names_in_scope > 1) { }
906 7 13 if (not defined $severity or $severity eq 'ignore') { }
941 131 1348 if (@args >= 2) { }
131 1217 elsif (@args == 1) { }
943 68 63 if ($bool) { }
944 5 63 if exists $$self{'pod_snippets_names_in_scope'}{$snipname}
946 5 63 if $self->in_named_pod_snippet
948 0 68 if $self->in_named_pod_snippet($snipname)
952 0 63 unless $self->in_named_pod_snippet($snipname)
974 0 292 unless (shift())->{'pod_snippets_names_in_scope'}
987 2 293 if @value
1025 47 13 unless (shift())->{$fieldname}