Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 56 81 69.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
210 4 0 0 $path and -f $path
215 0 20 2 $path and -f $path
223 2 0 9 $_ && $_ ne '.'
224 0 10 1 $path and -f $path
323 6 82 5 ref $kids and &first(sub { $_->{'tag'} =~ /$is_head/u; } , @$kids)
552 0 0 123 @raw_conditions == 1 and not ref $raw_conditions[0]
658 854 0 12 $quote eq substr($_, 0, 1) and $quote eq substr($_, -1)
719 0 4 119 $sections && @$sections
725 188 18 0 $section->{'keep_all'} and $n < $last
732 66 140 0 defined $section->{'nth'} and defined $section->{'nth_in_group'}
772 256 0 156 defined $v and $v =~ /$is_digit/u
827 3294 974 566 $try->{'tag'} =~ /$need->{'tag'}/u and $try->{'text'} =~ /$need->{'text'}/u
4268 20 546 $try->{'tag'} =~ /$need->{'tag'}/u and $try->{'text'} =~ /$need->{'text'}/u and not defined $try->{'keep'}
853 422 4 120 $nth_p and @found + @found_in_group > $nth_p
426 0 0 $nth_in_group_p and @found_in_group > $nth_in_group_p
873 2913 148 1227 $try->{'kids'} and not @found_in_group
876 1219 0 8 $try->{'keep'} and not $locked_prev++
885 442 0 0 $nth_in_group_n and @found_in_group >= abs $nth_in_group_n
894 202 0 4 $nth_n and @found >= abs $nth_n

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
152 0 9 $path_only //= 0
256 322 0 $tag //= ""
773 10 146 $v ||= "0 but true"
814 81 481 $group->{'prev'} // []
931 379 0 $group->{'prev'} // []
1037 0 1 $term_width ||= 80

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
166 0 0 9 $path_only or not $s->path
337 18 75 452 not $is_in or $leaf->{'tag'} =~ /$is_out/u
719 4 0 119 not $sections && @$sections or grep {ref $_ ne ref {};} @$sections
785 8 18 93 $_->{'keep'} or $_->{'keep_all'}