Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 102 128 79.6

line true false branch
16 10 0 unless defined &DEBUG
38 327 97 if $sub
45 273 0 if $sub
53 341 83 if $sub
71 129 50 unless ref $$treelet[$i]
72 42 8 unless ($$treelet[$i][0] eq 'Z')
77 2 6 if ($$self{'nix_Z_codes'})
114 115 342 unless @{$paras = $$self{'paras'};}
120 115 227 unless ($$self{'doc_has_started'})
136 0 115 $starting_contentless ? :
146 21 193 if @$paras == 1 and $$paras[0][0] eq '=over' || $$paras[0][0] eq '~Verbatim' || $$paras[0][0] eq '=item'
165 9 500 if ($para_type eq '=for') { }
43 457 elsif ($para_type eq '=begin') { }
50 407 elsif ($para_type eq '=end') { }
123 284 elsif ($para_type eq '~end') { }
166 9 0 if $self->_ponder_for($para, $curr_open, $paras)
168 43 0 if $self->_ponder_begin($para, $curr_open, $paras)
170 50 0 if $self->_ponder_end($para, $curr_open, $paras)
172 123 0 if $self->_ponder_doc_end($para, $curr_open, $paras)
178 2 282 if (grep $$_[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open)
186 50 232 if ($para_type eq '=pod') { }
16 216 elsif ($para_type eq '=over') { }
16 200 elsif ($para_type eq '=back') { }
13 187 elsif ($para_type eq '=row') { }
189 0 16 if $self->_ponder_over($para, $curr_open, $paras)
191 0 16 if $self->_ponder_back($para, $curr_open, $paras)
193 13 0 if $self->_ponder_row_start($para, $curr_open, $paras)
206 4 183 if ($para_type eq '=headrow' or $para_type eq '=bodyrows')
211 0 27 if ($para_type =~ /^=head\d$/s and not $$self{'accept_heads_anywhere'} and @$curr_open and $$curr_open[-1][0] eq '=over')
226 25 162 if ($para_type eq '=item') { }
0 162 elsif ($para_type eq '=extend') { }
0 162 elsif ($para_type eq '=encoding') { }
9 153 elsif ($para_type eq '~Verbatim') { }
96 57 elsif ($para_type eq '~Para') { }
2 55 elsif ($para_type eq 'Data') { }
55 0 elsif ($para_type =~ s/^=//s and defined($para_type = $$self{'accept_directives'}{$para_type})) { }
227 0 25 if $self->_ponder_item($para, $curr_open, $paras)
267 107 80 if ($para_type =~ s/^\?//s)
268 63 44 if (not @$curr_open) { }
275 13 31 if (not @fors) { }
31 0 elsif ($fors[-1][1]{'~resolve'}) { }
283 2 29 if ($para_type eq 'Data') { }
298 178 9 if ($para_type eq 'Plain') { }
9 0 elsif ($para_type eq 'Verbatim') { }
0 0 elsif ($para_type eq 'Data') { }
329 0 9 if (grep $$_[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open)
335 9 0 if ($$para[$i] =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*//s)
340 0 9 unless (defined $target)
348 2 7 if (@$para > 3 or $$para[2]) { }
388 23 20 unless ($$para[2] =~ /^\s*(?:table|sidebar|figure|listing)/)
397 11 9 if $target eq 'table'
398 7 13 if $title
401 0 20 unless $$self{'accept_targets'}{$target}
422 13 37 unless (length $content)
423 6 7 if (@$curr_open and $$curr_open[-1][1]{'~really'} eq '=for') { }
429 1 6 if (@$curr_open and $$curr_open[-1][0] eq '=for')
438 0 43 unless ($content =~ /^\S+$/)
448 11 32 if $content eq 'table'
450 0 43 unless (@$curr_open and $$curr_open[-1][0] eq '=for')
460 1 42 unless ($content eq $$curr_open[-1][1]{'target'})
461 1 0 if ($content eq 'for' and $$curr_open[-1][1]{'~really'} eq '=for') { }
478 2 41 if (grep $$_[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) { }
487 20 21 if ($content eq 'table' or $content eq 'sidebar' or $content eq 'figure' or $content eq 'listing') { }
517 13 15 if (@$curr_open and $$curr_open[-1][0] eq '=row')