Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 350 0.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
122 0 0 0 defined $classes and length $classes
146 0 0 0 defined &Win32::BuildNumber && defined &Win32::BuildNumber()
161 0 0 0 @_ and $_[0]
167 0 0 0 @_ and $_[0]
174 0 0 0 @_ and $_[0]
180 0 0 0 defined $rest and length $rest
492 0 0 0 $ENV{'TERM'} && !(($ENV{'TERM'} || '') =~ /dumb|emacs|none|unknown/i)
556 0 0 0 $self->opt_l and not $self->opt_q
599 0 0 0 $self->is_os2 || $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $class_seen{lc "~$c"}++
633 0 0 0 defined $v && length $v
659 0 0 0 not $self->opt_T and $formatter_class->can('is_pageable')
0 0 0 not $self->opt_T and $formatter_class->can('is_pageable') and not $formatter_class->is_pageable
0 0 0 not $self->opt_T and $formatter_class->can('is_pageable') and not $formatter_class->is_pageable and not $formatter_class->can('page_for_perldoc')
688 0 0 0 $formatter->can('page_for_perldoc') and do { $self->aside(qq[Going to call $formatter->page_for_perldoc("$out")\n]); if ($formatter->page_for_perldoc($out, $self)) { $self->aside("page_for_perldoc returned true, so NOT paging with $self.\n"); 1; } else { $self->aside("page_for_perldoc returned false, so paging with $self instead.\n"); ''; } }
736 0 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERLDOC'} and length $ENV{'PERLDOC'}
769 0 0 0 -f $podidx and -r _
0 0 0 -f $podidx and -r _ and -M _ <= 7
784 0 0 0 not $self->opt_L and $ENV{'PERLDOC_POD2'}
862 0 0 0 $self->{'podidx'} and open PODIDX, $self->{'podidx'}
904 0 0 0 not /\W/ and @files = $self->searchfor(0, "perl$_", @searchdirs)
960 0 0 0 $] >= 5.008 and $self->opt_L
1020 0 0 0 not $@ and $pack->can('new')
1093 0 0 0 $opt ne '$0' and $opt =~ /^\$\d+$/
1122 0 0 0 $found and not $inheader
0 0 0 $found and not $inheader and not $inlist
1139 0 0 0 $found and not $inheader
0 0 0 $found and not $inheader and not $inlist
1190 0 0 0 $push and $line =~ /^=item\s*.*$/
0 0 0 $push and $seen_item
0 0 0 $push and $seen_item and $line =~ /^X<+\s*[ a-z,?-]+\s*>+/
1260 0 0 0 @related > 1 and /^=item/
0 0 0 $found and /^X<[^>]+>/
1273 0 0 0 $found > 1 and not $inlist
1283 0 0 0 $found > 1 and not $inlist
1321 0 0 0 $self->opt_L and defined $self->{'translators'}[0]
1347 0 0 0 /^=over/ and not $found
0 0 0 /^=back/ and not $found
0 0 0 /^=back/ and not $found and $inlist
1355 0 0 0 /^=item\s+$search_re\b/ and $inlist < 2
0 0 0 @related > 1 and /^=item/
0 0 0 $found and /^X<[^>]+>/
1364 0 0 0 $found > 1 and $inlist < 2
1368 0 0 0 $found > 1 and $inlist < 2
1492 0 0 0 $formatter->can('write_with_binmode') && $formatter->write_with_binmode
1495 0 0 0 $self->{'podnames'} and exists $self->{'podnames'}{$file}
0 0 0 $self->{'podnames'} and exists $self->{'podnames'}{$file} and $formatter->can('name')
1556 0 0 0 defined $file and length $file
1593 0 0 0 -f $path and -r _
1612 0 0 0 -f _ and -r _
0 0 0 -f _ and -r _ and lc $try eq lc $path
1646 0 0 0 -f $p_filespec and -r _
1753 0 0 0 length $dir and not -d $dir
1759 0 0 0 length $path and $self->opt_m ? $self->isprintable($path) : $self->containspod($path)
1775 0 0 0 not $readit and $file =~ /\.(?:pl|pm|pod|cmd|com|bat)\z/i
1791 0 0 0 not $readit and $file =~ /\.pod\z/i
1807 0 0 0 $self->is_cygwin and -x $file
0 0 0 $self->is_cygwin and -x $file and -f "$file.exe"
1837 0 0 0 $< and $>
0 0 0 $< and $> and -d 'blib'
1839 0 0 0 $@ and $self->opt_D
1853 0 0 0 defined $outspec and length $outspec
1958 0 0 0 -f $s and $self->containspod($s)
1968 0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod")
0 0 0 $self->is_vms and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$")
0 0 0 $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.cmd")
0 0 0 $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.bat")
2061 0 0 0 not $self->is_vms || $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $> == 0 || $< == 0
0 0 0 not $self->is_vms || $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $> == 0 || $< == 0 and not $self->am_taint_checking
2094 0 0 0 not $@ and $<
0 0 0 not $@ and $< and $>

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
21 0 1 $ENV{'PERLDOCDEBUG'} || ''
227 0 0 $class->new(@_)->process || 0
447 0 0 $self->{'args'} ||= \@ARGV
448 0 0 $self->{'found'} ||= []
449 0 0 $self->{'temp_file_list'} ||= []
482 0 0 $self->{'formatter_classes'} ||= []
664 0 0 $formatter_class->can('output_extension') && $formatter_class->output_extension || ''
1500 0 0 $formatter->can('output_extension') && $formatter->output_extension || undef
1558 0 0 $self->{'temp_file_list'} || (return)
1878 0 0 $self->{'pages'} || (return undef)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
235 0 0 0 ref $class || $class
492 0 0 0 $self->is_mswin32 or $self->is_dos
0 0 0 $self->is_mswin32 or $self->is_dos or $self->is_amigaos
0 0 0 $self->is_mswin32 or $self->is_dos or $self->is_amigaos or not $ENV{'TERM'} && !(($ENV{'TERM'} || '') =~ /dumb|emacs|none|unknown/i)
525 0 0 0 $self->opt_U or $self->opt_F
599 0 0 0 $self->is_os2 || $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2
656 0 0 0 $self->{'formatter_class'} || $self->die('NO FORMATTER CLASS YET!?')
690 0 0 0 $self->{'formatter_class'} || ref $self
773 0 0 0 $self->opt_T or not -t STDOUT
786 0 0 0 $ENV{'LC_ALL'} || $ENV{'LC_LANG'} || $ENV{'LANG'}
819 0 0 0 $self->opt_f or $self->opt_q
0 0 0 $self->opt_f or $self->opt_q or $self->opt_a
878 0 0 0 $self->opt_l or $self->opt_m
0 0 0 $self->opt_l or $self->opt_m or $self->containspod($_)
955 0 0 0 $self->opt_f || $self->opt_q || $self->opt_v || $self->opt_a
968 0 0 0 !$self->not_dynamic && $self->opt_f || $self->opt_v || $self->opt_a
1264 0 0 0 $related_re ||= join('|', @related)
1359 0 0 0 $related_re ||= join('|', @related)
1451 0 0 0 $self->{'formatter_class'} || $self->die('No formatter class set!?')
1483 0 0 0 $silent_fail or $switch =~ /^__/s
1595 0 0 0 not $self->opt_i or $self->is_vms
0 0 0 not $self->opt_i or $self->is_vms or $self->is_mswin32
0 0 0 not $self->opt_i or $self->is_vms or $self->is_mswin32 or $self->is_dos
0 0 0 not $self->opt_i or $self->is_vms or $self->is_mswin32 or $self->is_dos or $self->is_os2
1689 0 0 0 $pagers[0] eq 'less' or $pagers[0] eq '/usr/bin/less'
1832 0 0 0 -f 'Makefile.PL' or -f 'Build.PL'
1925 0 0 0 $self->is_mswin32 or $self->is_dos
1968 0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$")
0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, $s)
0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, $s) or $self->is_vms and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$")
0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, $s) or $self->is_vms and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.cmd")
0 0 0 $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2
0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, $s) or $self->is_vms and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.cmd") or $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.bat")
0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, $s) or $self->is_vms and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.cmd") or $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.bat") or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod", "$s.pod")
0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, $s) or $self->is_vms and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.cmd") or $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.bat") or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod", "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod", $s)
0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, $s) or $self->is_vms and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.cmd") or $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.bat") or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod", "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod", $s) or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pods", "$s.pod")
0 0 0 not $self->opt_m and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $ret = $self->check_file($dir, $s) or $self->is_vms and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$") or $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.cmd") or $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2 and $ret = $self->check_file($dir, "$s.bat") or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod", "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod", $s) or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pods", "$s.pod") or $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pods", $s)
1989 0 0 0 /^\.\.?\z/s || /^auto\z/s
2061 0 0 0 $self->is_vms || $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos || $self->is_os2
0 0 0 $> == 0 || $< == 0