Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 88 39.7

line true false branch
25 0 4 unless $params and UNIVERSAL::isa($params, 'HASH')
30 2 2 unless $callbacks
41 0 2 if ($callbacks) { }
51 0 2 unless (-r $source_file)
58 0 2 if defined $title
61 0 2 if (defined $title) { }
68 0 2 if (defined $dest_file and $dest_file ne '')
70 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($dest_file, 'GLOB')) { }
74 0 0 unless (open $out_fh, '>', $dest_file)
94 0 0 if ($index_fh and defined $index_title and $index_title ne '')
116 0 0 unless (defined $this_title and not $this_title =~ /\A\s*\Z/)
121 0 0 if (defined $name) { }
129 0 0 unless (open $out_fh, '>', $dest_file)
138 0 0 unless ($spec->{'no_toc'})
142 0 0 if ($index_fh and not $spec->{'no_toc'})
147 0 0 if ($index_fh)
157 0 0 unless defined $file
159 0 0 if (ref $file and UNIVERSAL::isa($file, 'GLOB'))
163 0 0 unless $mode
166 0 0 if ($file ne '')
167 0 0 unless (open $fh, $mode, $file)
194 0 16 if $title eq ''
206 12 4 wantarray ? :
215 13 4 if ($do_overline)
220 17 0 if ($namespace)
223 16 1 unless $text =~ /^$namespace/
252 1 0 unless ($self->{'seen_something'} or $self->{'title_set'})
253 1 0 if ($title eq 'NAME')
256 1 0 if ($content =~ /\A\s*(\w+(?:::\w+)+)\s+-\s+/s)
307 13 3 unless $title =~ / # the line starts with \A # single unordered bullet, (?:(?:[-+] | \\[*]) # or ordered bullet followed by dot, | [1AaIi] \. # or ordered bullet within parens (first optional), | \(? [1AaIi] \) # then finally followed by whitespace. )\s /msx
365 1 2 if (defined $self->{'next_code_block'})
369 0 1 if ($lang eq 'none') { }
390 1 0 if ($fmt eq 'pod2rst')
392 1 0 if ($text =~ /\A\s*next-code-block\s*:\s*(\S+)/)
459 0 10 if ($link_cb)
462 0 0 if (defined $url)
463 0 0 if ($url eq '' and defined $label and $label ne '') { }
0 0 elsif (defined $label and $label ne '') { }
482 2 8 if ($text =~ m[\A/(.+)]) { }
4 4 elsif ($text =~ m[\Ahttps?://]) { }
3 1 elsif ($text =~ /::/) { }
491 0 3 if ($text =~ /\A(.+?)\|(.+::.+)/)
497 0 3 if ($namespace and $text =~ /^$namespace/) { }
498 0 0 unless $module =~ /^$namespace/